
Venus : Purity of Mind,Passion and Path of Devotion

When we look up-to the sky, after Moon ,the most beautiful treat to the eye comes from seeing the bright and shining Venus .The birth of poetic emotions upon seeing it is not accidental, as since ages Venus has been associated with all forms of beauty, poetry, aesthetic arts ,finer qualities and this is a force whose position in heaven at the time of birth can determine how much potential and desire one carries for the affluence in matter of luxuries, sex and general prosperity.
The aspect of Venus which deserve special attention is its capacity to give and receive Love and more importantly, its state in a chart determines the attitude of an individual towards finer qualities of life like Love, Gratitude and Compassion. Same can be said about tendency to indulge in passionate pursuits and state of Venus is directly related to entanglements in worldly affairs.

Venus when occupies a prominent place in chart with no affliction from other planets ,signifies a healthy outlook towards opposite sex and is regarded good for material prosperity and success .In its own sign i.e in Taurus and Libra it gives much sensual character ,but with grace .Whenever related with Saturn, Mars or Rahu ,native becomes passionate in his pursuits and often ideology and attitude towards emotion of love gets restructured .Such individuals do not find stability in one just one relationship and their definition of Love is never complete without physical involvement. In such cases mind becomes quite occupied with aims and goals and achievement of any kind give a big boost their egos.
An afflicted Venus in a chart often denotes the struggle that one has to undertake in matters related to sex as well as in matters of prosperity, depending upon the degree of affliction ,nature of such individuals might become corrupt up-to the level of insanity and results often manifest themselves as cruelty towards opposite sex and an attitude of indifference .Higher feelings are completely absent if Venus loses its strength .Involvement in various kinds of addictions and degradation of moral values occurs and often such state of Venus implies downfall of ethical behavior in search for ‘more’ pleasure ,which ends up consuming almost all energy than one has.
Venus when in strength and unafflicted ,represents purity of inner core and healthy state of mind .Such natives become receptive to higher qualities very easy and idea of Love holds supreme importance in their lives. In signs of Jupiter ,Venus becomes too receptive and becomes capable of receiving and spreading Spiritual Love, the love which knows no boundary.

A strong Venusian impact give birth to Compassion and in some cases purity and beauty of mind attained propels individual to the path of Devotion, where one connects to Higher Self with much ease .One becomes sensitive of other’s pain and suffering and stream of Love flows through their hearts ,irrespective of who stands at the other end. Such state is indeed rare, and whenever such traits show up in one’s behavior, it clearly shows the blessing of Lord. Idea of Love takes the center stage in life ,and life of one becomes poetry itself, vibrating in Highest frequency of Universal Love.

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