
Tradition of Remedial measures: Relevance in contemporary times and Vulnerability of Vedic astrology - 1

New age philosophy dictates that there is One Source of abundance and prosperity which is ever present and according to intent and resistance of one, its portion is received .
The factors which decide how much resistance one might face in pursuit of this Source can be seen through the eye of Jyotish, as good, mixed or tough time periods .

 The desire of getting back to ever flowing stream of wellness is inbuilt in all of us and whenever one is faced with testing times, often search for some kind of remedies begin to get some relief .Here comes the vulnerability of astrology, which is largely exploited by the half cooked astrologers driven by desire of using it as a tool to loot the innocent people, who normally do not know much about the technical aspects involved and genuineness of remedial measure suggested.

Taking onto few popular beliefs and practices which are infused deeply in the Soul of India, prescription of Gem stones takes the lead. Gem stones do work, but its use and prescription is not so straightforward as believed .It is noticed that astrologers ,traditional and many modern ones too, suggest gem stones in hurry without looking at the deeper aspects of a horoscope ,which apart from making a big dent in native’s pocket might work opposite and harm.

Other more serious remedies involve prescription of Yantra/Rudraaksh and similar objects. Yantras do work magically, but the catch here is, we seldom have genuine ones available in commercial market. Making of a Yantra has to be done only by Pious Yogis and Saintly figures which actually infuse power in it but needless to say, such figures rarely involve themselves in such practices.

In the age where almost everything has degraded and is driven by greed and instant fame, spread of fraudulent astrologers and contamination of this Sacred Knowledge should not come as a surprise. Sage Prashar, who can be considered to be the father of Vedic/Hindu astrology has mainly prescribed Spiritual remedies for propitiation of planets, but we rarely see anyone prescribing them as it does not involve fancy items and do not offer lucrative gains to the astrologer.

As said by Shri K.N. Rao, the Saintly and authorative figure in astrology, astrologers can be divided into 3 categories:

Saatvik, the Pure one - The ones who are deeply committed in serving others and do not have any hint of greed in them. These are actual the rare Mahatmas and Yogis who do exist but remain away from the reach of common man and mindless business of astrology.

Raajsik, The passionate – These are the ones who do serve others yet remain part of this mundane existence. More deeper division exists in this class, but broadly speaking Rajsik astrologers are of much help in today’s world, provided the higher qualities dominate in him.

Taamsik, The one propelled by Ignorance – These are the ones who exploit this Sacred science for making quick and mindless money without having appropriate knowledge. This class will give you grim look muting the heavy technical terms, and warning of some inevitable doom if their remedy is not followed. Technically there is no difference between such ‘astrologers’ and the deeply corrupted politician. But sadly such corrupts are most popular today, thanks to their forceful and deceiving way of working.

There are many facets involved in remedial measures, which we will explore in their finest details in subsequent discussions .
When remedy which is wrongly prescribed or is totally for the benefit of astrologer only, fails, disrespect and disbelief for astrology itself takes birth but it is worth mentioning here that its actually the greed or incompetency of astrologer which fails, not the Divine science of Jyotish itself.