
Saturn transit 2013 - Impact on Sign Capricorn: Journey through 10th house

Saturn is in the place where he loves to be ,the house of your career ,your 10th house from Moon .This transit will make you completely focused on your career front leaving apart all other aspects for some time .Saturn transiting in sign of Libra feels extremely happy as this Libra is the sign of Justice, which he will grant to your Karmas now .You have been feeling stagnant since some time as Saturn was retrograde and was keeping things at hold ,after 8th July his motion will be direct and its power to do good will increase many fold .Now opportunities in term of career will show up freely ,pending promotion ,a change at work place accompanied with change in residence is on the cards.
Now you will feel more enthusiastic in pursuing your aims ,Spirit comes back in you and to become focus will be much easier for you now .To find peace in this transit will seem elusive to you and you will find your heart aching for many issues ,old issues come forth which will require attention .Emotionally this can be a testing period as Saturn will test your mind-set .In general this feeling of frustration at home and in your heart will force you to find happiness elsewhere and Saturn wants you to look at your Karma ,refine it, bring a discipline and strictness to your routine ,the growth in career will be promised then .These are the times when if other yogas are present too ,one fly to foreign lands.
Relationships take a backseat and there might be lot of issues popping up in this area ,it will require more effort than usual to maintain peace in your love life and you feel disappointment in these times. Another striking aspect of this transit is its ability to give sudden thrust to Spiritual life. This is the time when any effort in Spiritual practices will give stunning results .Various psyches powers will come, mysterious insights will be available to the evolved Ones here.
To only focus on negative aspects of any planetary aspects won’t do full justice to Divine science of Jyotish. This frustration in heart,relationship and in terms of career, actually wants you to dig deep in your storehouse of your karma and rectify your actions.Real significance of this transit is to purify your actions on much deeper levels than visible .Once the act of purification is done and you bring the focus and discipline in the way you act, Glory will be all yours.

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Aries | Taurus | Gemini |Cancer |Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius|Capricorn|Aquarius|Pisces

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