
Saturn Transit 2013 - Impact on Sign Libra: Journey through 1st House

Sadesaati, The Seven and half year cycle of Saturn reaches its peak

There are times which come in life for a precise purpose and a hidden agenda to accentuate growth ,you people are witnessing such period in your lives .Saturn for Libra Moon sign guys is currently passing over their natal Moon ,i.e.  over the 1st house .This period which is known as Sadesaati, The Seven and half years cycle of Saturn is on peak right now and accordingly making you stand on your toes ,totally vigilant .
Though there is already much known about this ‘dreaded’ period ,in  desire of instant results and expectations of success in all ventures we often forget that lessons given by Master Saturn can be received only with a mind-set of unlimited patience and with tremendous strength of character .To focus upon only the ‘bad’ outcomes of this period will mean to completely neglect message given by Higher beings .It’s important to comprehend that Saturn completes its cycle of Zodiac in roughly 30 years ,and with its journey in each sign and house ,it conveys extremely valuable lessons ,Sadesaati being the foremost.

These are the times when asking for shortcuts and relief from mental or physical pain goes unheard and repeatedly we are forced to show immense strength in our behaviour .The most striking part of this transit is its ability to dig deep in one and bring out all the weakness to the surface .Sadesaati shows two distinct and strong aspects of life in its run ,first and foremost is that Saturn being the Universal Judge ,it allots results of previous Karmas ,even coming from previous lives in this period ,and second as already mentioned this period brings all your shortcomings to the surface .These two aspects needs somewhat more elaboration.

To predict pin pointed results of Sadesaati will only come in the domain of Yogis ,as it straightforwardly deals with previous lives Karma ,so depending upon what potential or ‘Samskaars’ you carry ,you will get results during this period .It’s important to note that many people get education ,a great job, promotion ,reputation during this period .Jawaharlal Nehru  became PM of India during his Sadesaati ,so it becomes obvious that to only curse this time would be incorrect ,it’s your own Karma which show up and Saturn just ask you to stand up and face the consequences of them and if consciousness is kept open ,enlightening lessons are learned during such time.

Second aspect is something on which one should focus completely .A lazy person will be shown intense failures in these times, lesson – stand up and learn the art of Discipline and focused action .Saturn completely reforms you during these times,it is on a mission to wipe out all nonsense attachments ,weakness, irregularity from your mind and force you to adopt a strict and structured life.

Though you have a silver line here as Jupiter is now throwing its grace over Saturn ,which  will give you courage and more strength now to focus on your career and after mid of July 2013 you will feel more enthusiastic and determined to pursue your goals .Creative pursuits will give you benefits and things will ease out a bit in terms of career ,education and Self-image .You will find inspiration now and will feel recharged again to face the Supreme test of your life .It is indeed the period where you have to literally live by the popular saying : “When the going gets tough, the tough gets going” .

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