
Questionaire - August 2013

Hi Vaibhav
I trust that you are well .
I had something pop into my head just now and you are the best person I know who would understand more about this,
What I was thinking is what are the possibilities of us being able to rule our planets? As opposed to our planets ruling us!
Maybe some of us are already doing this, which is why some people are more happy and lucky in life? With good guidance, could everyone be taught how to rule their planet?
Also, if this can be done, what impact would this have on the entire universe and our future? Just a random thought about spirituality...sharing it with another spiritual person
Let me know what you think?
Have a nice day.

Interesting question indeed! I love such topics; here is what my response would be:

Basically you have asked a question which have far reaching impact ,a question which directly deals with fundamental aspect of our existence .We all need affluence ,and indeed it’s our right, then how come some struggle and some find it quite easy to sail ,also are the people who are born with silver spoons.

So obviously question arises, are such people actually ruling their planets? Another way of saying it can be, are such people creating their own destiny rather than being a mere spectator? Actually I have to get in details to answer it, which I will, even if you feel bored reading such lengthy answer

Karma and destiny are so much interdependent that to separate them and draw a line is actually beyond the wisest men too .Most important part is to understand that planets do not rule us in reality, they are just indicators. It is believed and proved too that planets in chart sits according to one’s total previous Karma .So if one have BMW car and we say that he is rich because of his BMW car, does it make sense? In reality because he is rich, he has BMW car. Likewise because one has got good accumulation of Karma, planets sits in good condition showing prosperous life, but driving force remains your own actions.

So now when we see some people living luxury life, they actually are not ruling their planets, their time periods are good which can be indicated from their charts.

Now comes the best part, with your continuous good intent and focused action, you can accumulate good Karma which will show in your life at some point of time. When you do it for considerable long time, you will reach a stage where prosperity will chase you and it will look like you are ruling your planets.

The more conscious we become in the way we think and act, the more free we will feel in our lives, free from the feeling of being gripped tightly by some external God or planet or destiny.
I have been reading and following you on FB. I like most of your posts. I understand a bit of astrology...I have googled many times:)
I have a question. In most of your posts you repeat karma. Now we all know that astrologers suggest many remedies to overcome the pain one is getting from badly placed planets in a horoscope. Does this work and will it really reduce the impact of one's bad karma!!!!!


Its indeed true that many astrologers prescribe remedies to ward off evil planetary configuration and to dilute bad Karma ,but the wholesome picture is more subtle.

When we study true nature of Karma we will come to realize that to dilute it through any remedy will contradict its very definition ,also it will contradict the Law of Karma itself.

There is an analogy which I often cite regarding Karma and its relationship with remedial measures -
For example take one guy who is pulling huge amount of load in his rickshaw .Now this load can be considered as Karmic Debts in symbolic form .When remedies are prescribed then this will not mean that weight of load will be decreased to give relief to rickshaw puller ,rather doing any remedial measure will actually provide more strength to this guy.
So though load remained the same ,this guy will find it more easy to pull his vehicle now.
This is how I see effect of genuine remedial measures, especially when the intention is more strong to bear the tough time and stay focussed on answer part rather than revolving around the problem itself asking repeatedly, why me?

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