
Tapping true potential of Jyotish : Psychology of Astrological Counseling - 2

Continuing our journey in exploration of different kinds of mind set with which one approaches astrologer for counseling, what goes on in their minds, what they expect and what they receive in turn is the subject here. After going through some of the major psychological frames that are encountered by an astrologer we will see in what ways astrology can help one, from its preliminary to most splendid form.
A  sect of people, who approach astrologers for counseling, are Magic seekers. These people actually do not trust this system, rather they put conditions on astrologer. They seek magic through counseling. They believe remedies given should invariably change their course of destiny and should give them results exactly as aspired by them, else they turn hostile and even abuse both astrologer and astrology itself. The boundations of Karma and theory of Prarabdh-Karma do not appeal to them and a genuine astrologer will feel suffocated dealing with such people. Even if things work for them, it do not give them inspiration to genuinely trust this knowledge, they remain outsiders ,perhaps like a child watching a magic show. So on deeper levels the experience with such class of people is never enriching in true sense owing to their rigidness in understanding how things work in integrated form, and more importantly due to absence of patience and depth in their personalities.

There are times when astrologer meets people who pose different queries than usual about job, money and relationships, queries pertaining to their growth in Spiritual world, what impediments they are facing, right time of initiation and questions about the search for Guru .Such class of people is quite small, and can be termed as Spiritual aspirants. Rarely encountered, such person invokes the higher use of astrology. They understand how things work , what Karma theory is. They know in their hearts the boundary line till astrology will be helpful. They take astrology what it should be taken as, the guidance tool, whose usability is though grand and can literally illuminate us, ends at some level, known to the ones living on higher consciousness.

Shri K. N Rao in his books has given several instances where Yogis of highest order do not condemn astrology, rather they acknowledge that it can provide guidance till Soul evolves and rise above ordinary level of consciousness, where intensity of Karma is more, and that’s why planets seems to rule us. For an evolved astrologer such people are delight to talk to, it gives them opportunity to see how each planet has contributed in giving Spiritual bent of mind, how Karmas are now looking to loosen up, how planets instead of throwing one in world of lust have transformed one to aspire for Divine love. It is an opportunity when higher Divisional charts can be studied to see how planets are in transforming mode. Spiritual aspirants take the guidance of this Divine knowledge to reach the Divine and to give reading to such people is a wonderful and immensely enriching experience for a mature astrologer.

Map-finders, belong to the group of people who are in constant search to find more meaning in life. These people have a hint inside them that Universe is not random phenomena and everything that exists have a precise meaning. They constantly strive to map patterns in their lives with larger scheme of things. Horoscope for them is a sacred thing, not in religious sense, but because they know its an opportunity to learn what planetary configuration want to convey to them, how their placements have impacted them and what are its deeper implications.

Let me narrate a real life instance to show what Map finders really are and how they use astrology in its highest form .I met a person whose chart had predominant influence of Saturn (conjunct with ascendant, present in first house in almost all divisional charts),and he admitted that he is having immense trouble in legs and in he finds his body’s movement to be quite restricted .Now instead of asking what are the remedies for relieving pain ,it was extremely pleasant to hear what he actually asked: I understand what you are saying, that Saturn has given me restriction in my movement ,it has given me pain in my joints ,but I want to know what are its esoteric meaning? What Saturn wants to convey to me through confining my movement? What should I learn by such placement?
These people are the ones who bring the best out of astrological counseling, planets are respected, they feel being heard. The counseling experience with Map-finders becomes extremely enriching and truly magnificent experience.

That’s how one unveils the most dignified aspect of astrology, by tapping the planetary voices, by recognizing the limitations of current planetary configuration yet by pondering over their deeper meaning. If Venus has loosen strength what it implies in my life, should I restructure my approach towards love and opposite sex ? If Saturn has denied or delayed events , what was the meaning of the time that went in waiting ,the time that brought immense frustration in me? Did universe gave me that time to learn something bigger in that period of wait? If Mars looses power in chart and sit in houses which are condemned by traditional astrologers who give disheartening predictions in such conditions, did this awfully placed Mars has any message? Do I need to learn to assert myself better? Do I need to organize myself by putting tremendous extra effort in channelization of my energies in fruitful tasks? Is it a lesson that being selfish won’t serve ultimate purpose and I should learn to respect others opinion too?
If Mercury being the lord of wealth houses in chart becomes retrograde ,then instead of worrying about finances, another aspect can be given attention ,does it mean that I should learn to speak in more concrete manner, does it mean that I should be very careful about timing of my one liners? Does it mean that I should be more proactive in implementation rather than just planning and thinking?

That’s how astrology assumes its most useful and comprehensive form .By giving attention to what planets wants to convey to you ,rather than just hurrying to find any magical remedies. Highest form of astrology is achieved when one hear planetary messages in chart and recognize that as per configuration what area needs to be worked on ,what is the potentially strong area and what needs to be drastically improved in this life span. What is the focal point in life and on larger scale what is purpose of one’s life as indicated through chart, which is nothing but an impressions of one’s own Karmas. It will be apt to conclude with the words of trendsetter psychiatrist Carl Jung  - At the moment I am looking into astrology, which seems indispensable for a proper understanding of mythology.  There are strange and wondrous things in these lands of darkness.  Please, don't worry about my wanderings in these infinitudes.  I shall return laden with rich booty for our knowledge of the human psyche.  

For Part 1 
Tapping true potential of Jyotish : Psychology of Astrological Counseling - 1

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