
Venus in 6th house

The Goddess of love goes to the sixth house, the house where Self motive takes the back seat. How does Venus feel being there in this house? It depends how well it is placed. The sixth house stands for the selfless actions that we perform with a  sense of duty. This house has higher meanings too, apart from just being labeled as house of sickness. In fact every house in chart of an individual has something important to say and to divide some houses as ‘bad’ and good would mean seeing things in black and white ,which we know life is certainly not. Venus is a planet which when strong, irrespective of its placement will give material pleasure and affluent lifestyle, however the house in which it is placed tell us how one would express his desires ,in which directions and what are one’s expectations in terms of love. Let see in details what this Venus indicates, being in the house of service.
When this Venus is healthy and sits strong, then phenomenon of love means something more fulfilling for these people. They may or may be not very expressive in how they feel, but they are sure to make other feel love through their acts. Its important for them to have meaning in their relationships, they genuinely care and often show it by the way they behave. And the feeling and expectation is two way here, they expect same kind of warm affection and caring attitude from their partners in return, or in fact with anyone close to them. They take their work with a sense of duty and are generally seen to be very committed at their workplaces. They generally put their heart in whatever they do, and they do it creatively. They see things with a holistic approach ,where everything has got some higher meaning .The essence of Venus in sixth house is its capacity to understand and show that actions indeed speak louder than words. These individuals might not seem very charming in the first go, rather they open up slowly and only gradually one begins to realize that they are finest lovers ,worthy friends and very loyal persons in reality.

If this Venus is weak or afflicted here ,then this situation might mean some challenges to be faced. Unhealthy Venus in sixth house might promote lust and insatiable desires within one .Under its influence one might become selfish and uncaring, rather a very cold personality. Yes the variation of results can be huge, that’s why planets in ‘bad’ houses should be analyzed taking many factors in account. In more subtle sense this placement could mean that one needs to learn to share and provide self in service to others ,this is important lesson of Venus here. This might indicate a Soul which has taken birth to understand that love multiplies when it is given with a sense of gratitude, rather than just aspiring to receive it. Such people can actually become source of purest form of Love, Compassion. It is believed that Lord Krishna has His Venus placed in sixth house, though being incarnation of the Supreme ,it will be inappropriate to judge Him through prism of planetary placements, this example can give us clue how grand and meaningful one’s desire to share love can get under influence of this planet being placed in this house. Their inner urge of Venus here could be understood in words of Lao Tzu,

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.

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