
Year Ahead 2014 : Leo

Expansion realms

The year for bringing out the best in you is here.Leo sign people are already been under expansive surge where they are high on learning curve.The year ahead will continue to support them in their march, in a slightly different yet very effective way. What to expect in this year? Lot of things indeed. The underlying theme will be adding the assets to your life, and best part is, its going to be in both material and Spiritual sense. The first half of the year is the time to continue your efforts in education and in putting your foot in new ventures. 

The months of March –May are well suited for you to come on to a conclusion about how you want to proceed ahead in the year. In previous year you have seen the expansion in your ideas, you have witnessed celebrations and gained enough motivation to pursue your goals. This is the year to further consolidate it, but not through looking outside but by diving deep within. Jupiter’s grace for Leo people would give a spark to their intuitive powers and will enhance the inner voice which is sure to give you amazing insights about what and how part of various aspects in your life.

The months between July-Sept are very conducive for travelling and taking major decisions which were pending since long. The travel part becomes more and more prominent as you enter the second half of the year and in general post July you can travel worldwide ,adding new experiences in your bouquet. Continuing the focus on travel, this is the year for immense travel indeed. Both short and long distance journeys are on the cards,with first half dealing in shorter ones .When the Jupiter arrives in Cancer sign, that will be your 12th house,in those times foreign country travel will become probable .Not just travelling or for gaining insights, this year might also see you adding assets like a new vehicle or property which you have aspired. The expenses will be huge, but the good part is they will be on the things which you desired to own since long.

In context of your career, time period between May- Sept is highly favorable for marching ahead and settling down well .If in business then this is the year to expand your work like never before and it might be the beginning for an expansive and profitable venture whose reach will not be limited to just your present domain. The situation might not seem favorable for the immediate gains, but this the year to make long term plans and investments, as the kind of insights and gut feeling you will have is rather rare to receive.

Winds of change

There are many areas where the wind will blow, the winds of change. Seeing things in their most comprehensive form, it would be more correct to label this year as the year of inner transformation, as the year where you will gather information, make plans, set goals in details. Moving to specific areas, the first challenge for you people is to remain grounded and firm amid whirlpool of thoughts. Yes the initial five months of the year are quite critical for you in this context ,you would feel like as if many strings are pulling you ,you would like to do many things at the same time which can cause mess. Taking some decision during this period will be marked with great doubts. So the main challenge here is to keep your thought pattern channelized. Second important challenge for you people is how you convey your thoughts to others. It’s very natural to speak in rash when one’s state of mind is blurred. Especially in first 5 months it would be good to take extreme caution how you express what you feel.

At your workplace, there is much needed to be sort out. The situation will change there with lot of new events taking place,you got to be quite careful in the way you interact with your co-workers. Chances of acute misunderstanding with people around you will remain potentially present in this year and it will take your conscious effort to keep things simple and clear.

The second half of the year will bring altogether different kind of changes in your life. This will be the time to turn inwards, and big change will come in how and where you look for inspiration. It’s very unlikely that a Leo guy actually listens to anyone,and this pattern will seem so much familiar to you with everything apparently coming from inside you.

Potential lessons

It all depends on how much you are eager to learn because lessons will be present in plenty here. First and foremost is that you should learn to coexist peacefully with others by giving space and respect to their views. Moulding your words carefully is also main learning that will come as the year progresses .As you reach the middle of the year you should be able to recognize the difference between your patience levels as far as speaking out your heart is concerned. One of the most prominent lesson for you is to trust your inner voice, which is of course different from voice of your well-built ego. Post July especially you need to start cultivating strong discipline about how you deal with your money, though majority of your expenses will be on major objects,investments or travel, you still remain vulnerable for over spending and spending without weighing pros and cons. This is rather an important area where you are required to pay attention.

Spiritual Journey

The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can't be organized or regulated. It isn't true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth - Ram Dass

Now this is something real, very stunningly real for you people .With Jupiter moving into Cancer, its going to be quite eventful year for you in the inner realm. Depending on level of consciousness this year can see you getting deep into meditative practices. Its wonderful year to learn rapidly the real essence of things and events.Your inner voice is going to speak in volumes,be receptive and open to learning.

For the genuine aspirants, this year is highly potent in giving Guru and long stay in some far off place, some place of Spiritual or religious significance is quite possible. Getting initiated is also seen for evolved beings.Deep spells of meditation,significant dreams ,flashes of some unknown places, some sudden strong intuition about some person or event all comes within your reach and you might witness such experiences in latter half of the year .This year is particularly beneficial for getting into learning all sorts of esoteric sciences.

Apart from heavy Spiritual stuff,in generic sense, this is the year to pray ,to reconnect to the higher power, whatever you believe in. It will be very easy for you to build connection with something positive, its an year for drawing inspiration from almost anything and everything. This is the beginning of a new phase where your personality is ready to undertake a real and permanent transformation.
For Other Zodiac Signs, New Year 2014  :

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