
Jupiter Transit 2014 : Impact on Cancer

First comes the thought, then organization of that thought into ideas and plans,then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination - Napoleon Hill

Yes the change has arrived, that too in style. Jupiter will grace your ascendant ,i.e your very first house from Moon which means time for a big change that can be safely termed as revolutionary. Jupiter for you arrives like a sunrise which leaves behind all the darkness. There are many areas where this change will be experienced .Cancer people have been witnessing challenging times owing to ongoing Saturn transit. Now Jupiter entering in Cancer will come as a strong counterbalancing force and will provide them support from the back, which will give you strong base, which was lacking till now.To bravely face the test coming from Saturn, and its not just the time to face the test, rather come out with stunning victory.

 This is not just a good year, rather its an extraordinary year which will leave a new you . Here Jupiter will bring new energy to face situations and the most important aspect of this transit is amazingly refreshing ideas and philosophies which will pave a way for rebuilding your foundation once again. Your optimism would increase in leaps and bounds, and your outlook towards life in general would become more encouraging. No matter what was the past for you, your spirit will rise and will crave for a comprehensive change. Your life style would change, what you do might not really change, but how you do things would certainly change. The essence of this movement is to bring back enhanced level of quality in whatever you think or do.

You once again discover the importance of smiling not just from your lips, but from your heart. The cheerfulness will be visible on your face and you are ready to embrace everything that is coming your way. There are literally huge number of aspects which will be brightened by expansive and pious touch of Guru of Gods.

It’s time to build new vision and garner fresh ideas. It might convert into something like venturing into a new business,or some new task which will have power to impact your life in drastic way. This is a time to learn something new and irrespective of your age, this will be the year to get back to your books and really do a value add to your knowledge database. The beauty is that this desire to learn does not limit itself to theory but the source actually originates from your own genuine desire to grow as a human being.
This will be the good time to pursue formal education and movement to foreign lands is also very much possible. Apart from education gained in schools and universities, this is the time to covert even smallest of events into useful lessons. New relationship will be formed and your heart is ready to sing the song as time is perfect to fall in love. Jupitarian influence also indicates pretty healthy and sincere outlook, hence marriages for many will be solemnised. For already settled in their lives, its an year when majority of blockages will be removed as it is time for a new dawn in your personal lives.

This is going to be a transformatory transit for you .Get ready for a revolutionary journey indeed.

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