
Jupiter Transit 2014 : Impact on Sagittarius Sign

When you sow a seed, nowhere in your subconscious you have a question about the possibility of a tree springing out of it. You put the seed deep inside the surface, water it and then leave it to nature to handle the rest. And after few days you see a sapling. Jupiter transit for you people is going to work in exact manner, first an invisible phase where things will be working in invisible mode, whose effect won’t come to physical world immediately. Then second phase of visible manifestation of what was going in the background. The impact areas are many which will leave a lasting impression your subconscious mind as well as in your surroundings.

First about the events happening beneath the surface It’s the year which will have immense effect on your inner mind. It’s the time to start working on your self-image, in positive direction. You will leave all the clutter behind and are now ready to receive feeling of abundance. You think about people around you are shaping up your personality, you engage yourself in ways to uplift your self-esteem. It’s time for a complete makeover, but all these boiling thoughts remain confined deep inside you, and in initial months even you have to correlate and link events happening, as much of this transit will have impact in invisible domain, which can be best analysed by linking events and attaching more meaning to coincidences.

Your will to take on difficult situations will increase and you are now ready to indulge in self-talk which you have always avoided. This transit will give you enough courage to follow what you feel is right. In terms of more concrete results, Jupiter is going to bless you with more money. Yes it’s the year in which you will witness good amount of increase in your wealth .You can also invest during this time as Jupiter will give you intuitive wisdom. You will able to gauge pros and cons pretty quickly.

In more crude form, effects will be visible in your desire to add assets in your life. During this transit Jupiter apart from giving wealth will also give you desire to expand. You can buy a beautiful house, invest your money in property or else can bring home a vehicle. Atmosphere at home become more encouraging and you feel the positive vibes. Any effort that you now invest in solving neglected issues or issues which no one wants to confront will give result now.You will also feel overwhelming feeling deep inside you,but what name you give it and how well you bring it to the surface and express will depend on your intentions. But expansive trend will be visible very clearly as you move into this transit.You will spend heavily on buying objects, which in deeper sense presents your craving to reach beyond your boundaries.

But the best of Jupiter is reserved for your inner journey. When Jupiter becomes exalted in your eighth house, which represents your subconscious mind then it becomes capable of exposing you to marvels within. This one year transit can bring life changing experiences to you. Your intuitive voice will become very sharp,you will feel urge to close eyes and search something more meaningful within. This is a period when looking answers outside seldom gives anything substantial, and you can swiftly move inside.Deep Meditative sessions are possible for the ones on Spiritual path. In general this is the time when you will have gut feeling coming from within .You will intuitively know what is right for you.

It’s a beautiful period where you will get a chance to bring your potential, which is deeply buried inside, to the surface. But in the process, some suppressed feelings will come forth too, which might not seem pleasant to you. Keep your focus on what you want.It could be the year for a refreshing transformation whose effect will spread like pleasant Sun light of the dawn.

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