
Saturn in Third house

Saturn in third house, like any other placement, is one of the most influencing configuration and its effects could literally shape up the initial years and long term outlook of an individual. Third house is crucial sector in our chart as it describes how our environment would be, what kind of people one will be surrounded with and what kind of learning opportunities will be given in childhood for personality to shape up .Apart from these aspects perhaps most important is how one will express his or her self and planets placed in third house play extremely crucial role in deciding it. Understanding Saturn is absolutely necessary before one really appreciate and accept its placement in any house of the chart, same is true when at the birth time mighty Spiritualizing agent, Saturn is placed here in third house of birth chart.

The story unfolds slowly for such individuals and they find themselves distorted beings(which might not be true as it can only be self-apprehension). This feeling of separateness remains heavy in the part of childhood when one doesn’t gain consciousness to recognizable levels. Saturn in third house shows an individual who looks serious and rejected on the face. The term rejection should be explained here to avoid any gross misunderstandings. Here one feels withdrawn from society and reluctance and resistance to mix up with others can be huge, giving a feeling as if person is severely hopeless. One becomes silent, though to interpret this as absence of intellect and wisdom would be a blunder .These people are extremely thoughtful and very analytical in their approach. They will love to analyze any situation, people and event in such details that it would almost look as a job done by some machine, but the point here is that they will do it their own way and at their own speed. The psychological impact of Saturn here deserves to be understood in details to really grasp its message and meaning here .Saturn here makes one loner and one rarely likes to mix up this is something we have heard and we assume upon seeing this placement but truth is seldom so shallow to be pronounced in single line.

In deeper sense rejection and shunning the crowd tendencies are rooted in the fact that they find themselves alone in their journey. No one really seems to understand their thirst for real knowledge. Their interest can deviate norms and they will find lesser people vibrating in same rhythm. They often like to read, write and indulge in much mature stuff which can repel many normal beings. The initial years goes away in a sinking feeling, as to why I am like this and self-acceptance usually come at very slow pace. Gradually when these people accept their talents and bent of mind, they kind of withdraw from outer world(the show-off part) and hence their tendency not to mix up has to be understood opposite way, it’s actually the inability of others to truly appreciate their talents and recognize their wisdom which can go beyond their biological age.

Saturn here indicate thorough organizing abilities and one would do good in work where extreme devotion and sincere hard work is required and monotony should not be limiting feature. These people can do repetitive work without complaining or without finding serious faults in it. These people are often practical to the core, until and unless other placements modify this feature. To work diligently is not something they learn, rather they are born with it and how early they accept themselves will decide extent of their success and more importantly, quantity peace within. They often carry enormous pain within which they rarely like to share. Saturn here often gives troubles in early education leading to disturbed psyche and self-humiliating tendencies which take time to heal.Often there are some failed relationships through which person learns a lot and in deeper sense their Karma exhausts. Perhaps the greatest challenge is how and how much they express themselves as majority of their feelings can lie suppressed leading to accumulation of various sorts of complex emotions. They do brilliant as Spiritual aspirants as to detach from gross material world is something which they can adapt to in no time, but the road to it is seldom smooth.Trying to put a mask and follow the crowd would break their soul and that’s how they often carry immense pain .Once they develop pride in what they are doing and accept their unique talents and serious disposition of their mind ,they can find great peace and a strong sense of purpose in their lives. The words of elite Albert Einstein would capture the essence here most beautifully, I live in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity.

For other Saturn in houses series, Please click:

1st House | 2nd House | 3rd House | 4th House | 5th House
  6th  House |7th House | 8th House | 9th House | 10th House                                            11th House | 12th House

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