
Saturn transit to Scorpio 2014 - Impact on Virgo Moon sign

Dance, sing and celebrate. Virgo Moon sign people now witness historic times, this transit will bring end to their Sadesaati, the seven and half years crucial test of Saturn will now end completely .This transit is actually memorable and most pleasing thing that could happen with you in terms of planetary moment .Out of all zodiac signs, Virgo sign is going to be blessed in most affluent manner. Saturn is now ready to bless you with all of its might. Though impact areas are many ,but essence of this transit can actually be summarised in very simple way, it’s like a bird being freed from the cage, it’s like breaking away of various sorts of chains and bondages. Transit of Saturn for Virgo individuals simply means freedom and joy.

The most important impact will be seen in all pending matters .All the pending issues in your life, be it in any area, will now be ready to sorted out and in most of the cases result should be very satisfactory. Career matters will now look up, stagnation in job and business will say good bye and its time for rapid growth. Those waiting for new job should pull their sleeves and bring back their sprits as their Sunrise has arrived. For the ones aspiring to grow in their current roles can surely expect promotion and rise along with substantial financial growth too. For the ones in business it’s the time to grow their network and 2015 is especially extremely auspicious for taking the steps.Your people management skills will see a brilliant and positive turn and a certain charm will envelop you.

More than expecting growth in current place ,this transit actually brings the time to get set go and jump into new places. Its time to open up ,leave your inhibitions behind. You can now get into entirely new areas. Starting a new venture ,finding a new job, falling in love, starting a family or simply starting afresh from wherever you are at this moment is gist of this transit for you .Meet new people, form new groups, attend more parties ,make new friends. Saturn now free you from its clutches hence no longer there is any need and desire to remain aloof, circumstances around you will bring pleasing events which will allow you to mix up and get back into mainstream of life, of which you were devoided since many last years. Apart from generic social life, this transit of Saturn will bless you with someone special. This is good time to fall in love and look for long term commitment. Those who are waiting for marriage and settlement in life, there can be nothing better than these times, especially time till August 2015 is more than wonderful for the matters of heart and love. Time is also perfect to plan a child and coming two years are very auspicious for arrival of baby in your family.This is also the time when your creativity will rise and you would be able to actually utilize your all the learnings of the past.

Your health is bound to improve now and so does your self-esteem. It’s time to say good bye to all the confusions and get back to furious action. It won’t be wrong to say that all you will be having midas touch now and you are being blessed immensely. Such times are rare and third house transit of Saturn from your Moon are actually of miraculous rise and growth. Your extent of growth now only depends on your hard work and strength of your intentions.After coming from stern test of Saturn, your Karmic issues has been settled as of now to great extent and now time is to reap benefits of all the patience and hard work that you have put in past. Cosmos is smiling on you,it’s time to dream again .Life has come back in its full vigour to you, celebrate and feel the joy in its most vibrant colours.

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