
Year ahead 2015 : Cancer

Predictions are  based on moon sign.
Expansion realms
This is a defining year, a year of a kind which is rare. Cancer people are going to witness a truly colorful year full of events and life and perhaps the most important feature of this year is to create new benchmarks for you .In terms so expansion and positivity, this year is high, very high. Out of many areas, the foremost aspect which needs detailed mention is arrival of tremendous energy, focus and life force in you. There will be expansion in your thinking abilities, your horizon is going to widen up and how actually things manifest depends on many factors, primarily being what you really want and what your expectation are .New ventures, new opportunities will be available in bounty. This year stands for emergence of new thought patterns and rise in your multi-tasking abilities. First half of this year is immensely powerful and very auspicious for gaining knowledge and many of you can begin or continue your education. Many rewards and recognition can come and you its time to shine in your intellectual pursuits. Creativity which was lying dormant in you will show signs of awakening .Along with education, travel is also very much likely, though gist is that you need to do lot of movement and be on your toes to keep up with the pace of events happening around you. Second half will bring rewards for your hard work and planning. Post July you will see fructification of your efforts and its impact will also be seen in your assets and money matters. This is the year to find a new you and explore new avenues, expand your reach, let your talents come to play with full force. This is the year for renewal and getting back to main stream life with much to plan, draft and achieve.

Winds of change
The beautiful part for you guys is that challenges are nothing but good news coated with caution this year. To see change which you desire, you need to move, act, and come out of your comfort zone. Its like a time when you have to leave the audience’s place and need to stand to deliver a speech or perform some act. This will require you to be on your toes all the time, and its actually not a negative aspect when end results are kept in mind. First half should be smooth and infact will go away in a moment ,its actually second half of the year where you will need to check your expenses and investment will need caution.For many of you there could be some issues in education initially and to sustain your success more amount of hard work and sincerity would be needed. Your old memories can get sparked and this year can also cause breaking away of old bonds ,so there will be some amount of pain which you will need to bear for giving a way to new to be born. Summarized in short, main challenges will be in leaving behind what is known and stepping into unknown.

Potential lessons
There is always a scope of learning irrespective of what circumstances are, but this year is going to be mild on you and what and how you learn will depend entirely on you. You will be exposed to new situations, people, places and to new thought process too, this definitely will bring many lessons and avenues of learning to you. When you keep friction within you under check and remain open to changes happening within and around you, there are almost unending opportunities to become more wise and enrich yourself .A great year where life would treat you mildly, yet would grant you much wisdom.

Spiritual journey
Perhaps the best of this year lie in this area, in your inner quest for knowledge and wisdom. Depending upon your desire and present state, this year can bring drastic changes in the way you perceive life, people and events. Visit to many religious/spiritual places is strongly seen. You can get attracted to more serious form of evolution and practicing meditation and getting involved in self inquisitive process is highlight of this year .Some of you can also meet with Spiritual masters and getting initiated into deeper practices is also seen for chosen few. Reading books, pondering over metaphysical concepts, recitations various mantras for self-uplifting/Spiritual purposes is also seen. In general this year will definitely bring huge leap in your process of evolution and something inside you is all set to change forever, it’s a process of becoming a new you. One of the finest year for development of subtle sense and making you much wiser is here.

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