
Year 2016 : Impact on Gemini Sign

Predictions are based on moon sign.

Expansion realms
More power to you Geminis. This is one of the finest year and could prove to be milestone for you on many aspects. The planetary configuration for you gets best from the better. Expansion, rise and many pleasant changes are lined up this year. To begin the discussion, the foremost brilliant change is going to come in your power to organize your life. Your decision taking abilities become well refined and you are looking like a champion. Desire to put things in right perspective is the highlight of this year. On your work front, the first half signifies gaining strength and showing your skills. This can bring much authority and power to your work. As you move down the year, trend becomes of change. Those looking for making a switch can start their homework. Though it can take some time but later part of the year does promise changes as per your expectations. You take many big decisions, including related to your work life as well. You are seen to take command when it comes to your health and routine. You are seen to lead an optimal state where your performance will be highest. Better health and greater efficiency are key words this year and related is your high level of beaming confidence. Initial half till July is good for working on yourself and getting to a commanding position.

As you move into second half, patterns would change and your focus will come to your family and your work life entirely. Your outgoing energies and trend of socialization slowly gets converged and your desires gets focused on core areas of your life. This year also promises big on investments, on getting strong support from your family and gains from lands and properties is also seen. New vehicles, new objects of your desire are seen to come your way. The essence of this year is to increase your overall worth, both in qualitative and quantitative sense. Trend of learning and travelling remains active in early part of this year. After giving your time to your social circle, to your extended family, you gradually move from the periphery towards the center of your life. For many of you this is the year to move to different place of residence. You also stand a very good chance to get money and other assets from your family. The initial months are good for getting settled as marriage is strongly favored. For matters of relationship, this year favors long term commitment as you would be looking for long term goals rather than momentary fun. The later part of the year, post August,seems full of many happy events leading to great joy and satisfaction. This is the year for bringing out your best and take your life to next level. Trust your gut feeling, compose your energies and be ready for a fantastic year ahead. Make it a memorable one.

Winds of change
Success and joy doesn’t come without the element of friction and challenges. Difficult areas are in bounty for you and would go hand in hand. You can get extremely fierce in you approach and exaggerated anger and aggression is your main challenge this year. Even you can be wrong in judging people and many of your decisions can go wrong, so think twice and thoroughly in important matters. Though the most critical area where you can experience the big time issues is your health. The months of April to July are sensitive when it comes to your health and many complications can arise. This is the time when your old/neglected health issues can come to the surface and further procrastination will not be possible. Next big area of trouble can be your relations and experience at workplace. This can be very turbulent year as far as your work life is concerned and many of you can give serious thought to move ahead. Even in some cases, when your individual charts show problematic time pattern, there could be unplanned changes coming up for you in your career. Even if situation exists, you can be dragged into some legal mess. Months between April to June are really sensitive when it comes to such random play of events in your life. The changes appearing for good can come via shaky path and can require you to move out of your comfort zone. Like change in place of your residence, change in work life though unexpected circumstances and alike. Your social relations look twisted this year and many confusions, arguments and negative vibes will cloud your social life. It’s true that this is a year of steep rise and intense focus, but challenges will tests you thoroughly before crowing you the glory.

Potential lessons
Bottom line of what you need to learn is to maintain balance and use your energy and intent in most constructive manner. Owing to increase in your authority, you can be drawn towards lower emotions. Getting into revenge and using your power for harming others will generate huge negative Karma, though it can give you momentary pleasure for sure. Learning to tackle disruptions without losing your mind entirely is very strong learning area which will ensure peace of mind to you. Pattern of deception and extreme confusion at work and in your social circle remains active this year and putting your trust very casually and starting anything new without thorough research can backfire badly. Make sure you are aware of facts and figures as causal attitude can cost you more than mental peace, it can drag you in legal aspects as well. You need to understand the essence of this year. The discriminatory line between what is favorable and what is harmful for you will be extremely thin this year and its actually like walking on the razor’s edge. When you work with highest form of ethics, remain balanced and do not use your power for satisfying your lower urges then success and peace are assured. While slight casual attitude and carelessness in your behavior can invite many complications very rapidly. Remaining alert and working in full conscious way should be the key for you this year.

Spiritual journey
The Spiritual urges and your inner journey goes to background this year as your focus comes on achievement, new goals and in settling down major issues at work. So many events happening around you will not really leave scope for any introspection or any real desire to look heaven wards. You are intensely engrossed in affairs of your mundane life. Though there are some visits to Spiritual places, but your internal state isn’t really aligned. Its completely fine not to attach yourself with any kind of Spiritual journey until and unless you its coming from within. This year can be considered to be good for bringing yourself upto the level of optimal performance which also includes Spiritual journey in long run. But as of now, this year, your journey slows down and its time to work on core pillars of your existence in dedicated manner.

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