
Year 2017 : Impact on Taurus sign

Expansion realms
This is the year where many positive changes will occur in gradual way. Though it’s important to understand that things will be slow to manifest and most of the positive expansion this year will be of subtle in nature. On gross level lies long term changes in job. This is the year when desire to change job, move up or change the work line itself will arise and the time in particular after September would become perfect for manifestation of this change. Time between September to December this year is good for change, rise, promotion and deriving strong gains as financial rise is also a positive highlight of this year. In fact, when it comes to finances, many unexpected sources would open up, getting rise in work, getting huge sum in inheritance, gains from your own investments, or anything which you have worked on in past in conscious manner would give results this year in context of finances. This is also good time for pursuing education though it would require immense hard work and only sincere approach towards studies would give expected results. Time is also good for foreign travels, particularly in later months from September onwards. Creativity would also rise but in very subtle way which would need you to recognize inner whisperings much more patiently.

Time between July to October also favors blossoming of new relationship or moving to next level but this would be possible only if indicated strongly in your own time patterns as well. Inside this time window, many changes of positive nature can be expected and eligible ones can also expect to get married. For the ones waiting to plan for family life, these months are good to go ahead. Recognition in work, fame, good will, travels and greater connectivity with people is also part of this year, particularly till October this year. You will need your inner eyes totally open to see how things which seem absurd in beginning turn out to be blessing in disguise later-on.

Winds of change
When it comes to restructuring, changes and challenges, this is the year which will test you intensely and is here to bring long term impact in almost all areas. Saturn in transit will move to your 8th house from Moon which is considered to be the time when old karma comes to surface and destiny overtakes your intentions and efforts in certain matters. The second half of this year would have Jupiter in sixth and Saturn in eighth house, typical placement where some of the events manifest in accordance to your will but most of them come from Divine plan which can be hard to digest at first but all happens to dig in your karmic bucket, for deep clean up and relieving you of your karmic baggage. Now turning to specifics, this is the year to pay attention to health as health issues which are neglected or occurred earlier can make a return asking for undivided attention. Health of your family members, elder ones and father in particular will need attention as well. Job changes are indeed strong highlight of this year, but can come through very messy phase initially which can test you skills, patience, ethics and how far you can remain composed under adverse situations.

Indeed, it’s the right place to spell the essence of this year for you, it’s the year of grand restructuring in work, for crumbling down of unnecessary and for seeing the ugliness of people, or to say their true face. It’s the year for complete cleanup. Time between Feb to June and moths of April-May in particular, can see some relations failing or rotten bonds coming to end. Many people leave your life, for the better. Intense politics at work, mindless conspiracies and dull atmosphere at work along with work-family life balance ,all are areas which would demand your attention and would leave long lasting impact for future.

Potential lessons
Indeed, this is the year of countless lessons for you. You see many changes happening around you and very broadly the first half of year stands for giving tests, facing obstacles, recognizing true face of people, leaving the rotten bonds and emotions behind while second half gives you relief, bring you rewards for your hard work and make you grow in work, gives you greater freedom to act and also bring much prosperity. In the process, you learn a lot and potential areas where you can gain much are your people relationships. You see how relationship work; true and ugly realities can even tarnish your soul. Also at work after a long and tiring phase, you learn what works for you, what skills needs to be added, what traits needs to be dropped and how to deal with people, especially the political ones. You Taurus people have enormous attachments and your very own comfort zones everywhere and this is the year when you need to move out of these and also learn to let go of some attachments which are no longer serving you or rather are forcing you to remain lost in vicious circle. Though learned in hard way, this year will also teach you importance of your elders and parents, make sure you act on time and don’t neglect signals beyond point of no return. Making health as your priority, handling resources in calculative manner and working despite low spirits, these are some lessons which can seem too hard, but is part of bigger plan this year.

Spiritual journey
You move, and move decisively when it comes to your very personal evolution path. Here time till August end is brilliant and genuine aspirants can hope to take a giant leap. Intense Spiritual practices, interests in mantra-tantra-meditation and other occult phenomena rises and your indulgence is clear this year. This year brings some deep insights and after going through much in various aspects, it’s natural for your consciousness to expand which indeed occurs. The momentum generated in first half of year will be tremendous and in fact is needed much as second half seems to slow down your inquisitive powers .On outer level some religious trips are possible, but this year has more to do with qualitative aspects where rituals really are not required and you remain busy, unconsciously mostly ,in exploring more meaning of events around you .Brilliant year when it comes to unraveling your latent powers and for moving ahead in Spiritual world by shedding the dust that your soul has gathered from endless purists of physical world.

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Year 2017 : Impact on Aries sign

Expansion realms
New year brings huge relief for you with end of stagnation and many complexities in your life. The best on positive side, or the essence of this year, is freedom for you. This is the year of changes for you, changes which will come gradually but will be long lasting in nature, whose aftermaths will rewrite story of your life. Many areas are going to see expansion and positive growth this year. This is the year of change in work for you, though your journey can be challenging, but ultimately change at work, expansion of business and moving to next level is seen. Along with change of work (where you work, what you work and on what position you work), this year also signifies reshuffling in your authority and greater power & sense of responsibility are going to come to you. The desire to change work will arise strongly and opportunities in potential form remain present during February to August and post August till end of the year is time for concrete changes, the manifestation of change in varied forms.

Your phase of isolation is going to end slowly and this year is crucial for you many of you as it has capacity to change status of your relationships, yes its time for new bonds to develop and eligible ones can surely expect to get married. This year time post September is highly auspicious for blossoming of personal life prospects for matters of love, for taking your current relationship to level next. Travel is another strong trend of this year, which will make you go places, especially in the second half of year. On expansion realms lies better of health, end of politics and stagnation at work, moving to new heights in work with greater responsibility, better environment in family environment and ability to look forward as test from Saturn ends.

Winds of changes
As seen previously, gains, rise and breaking out from your phase of isolation marks this year, but it will require many changes and adjustments too. This is also the year which will test you on many accounts before letting your dreams come alive before your eyes. You enter year with burning desire to achieve your goals and your attitude seems fierce, and that’s where lies your maximum scope for challenges. Months between February to June are sensitive and you can be given huge work, or work atmosphere can suck your energies badly igniting a desire to move on or look opportunities elsewhere. The first half in general of this year stands for sheer hard work that you will be needed to put in direction of your goals. Your health and health of your parents in particular will also need attention. In context of health, Feb to June and in particularly April-May are sensitive months.

Your equation with your seniors/mentor, or people above you in hierarchy levels is also seen to undergo major changes this year. Also, you can see much turbulence with your friends, siblings and some negativity can spread wide with your relatives and anyone who stands in your second level family environment. When we try to see your year in a nutshell, that too the areas where challenges will come, the initial half will require you to work on your low spirit with the tool of faith. It’s like walking alone in dark tunnel with the stick of belief alone. For the ones who are into legal troubles, time till August seems challenging and you will be needed to bear the Karma gracefully. Though it’s not a gloomy year altogether, your patience, hard work and graceful bearing of many challenging events will pave the way for many achievements and joy that will follow in the later part of the year, particularly post August.

Potential lessons
When you remain open and allowing, this year can literally give you countless lessons on life. You are bound to see real face of people. Reshuffling in your personal life will give you opportunity to leave behind people who are obstruction in your path, who aren’t the ones for you. The unmasking of fakeness is biggest discovery for you. How to deal with low spirit and how to drive yourself during challenging or politically motivated atmosphere is also the area where you will gain some strong experience. Taking up more responsibility with humbleness and acting from more mature stage is one of the most precious lesson that will be given to you. When you remain extremely aware, you will be able to realize what is important for you and what is not. The outer and peripheral aspects of life will move out of your life, what is essential will stay and expand.

Moving out of your solitude and greater socialization will also bring intense experiences with people and hence will give you tremendous real time examples of what goes in and out of people’s mind when they interact with you, what motivates individuals, how people differ in their approach the role of integrity in human life. Learning to live with this variety is your real lesson that will emerge out. But perhaps the finest and subtlest lesson in this year will be given through exposing you to contrast. What you aspire desperately will come to you later, the position and status with whom you argue and fight initially will be given to you gradually. You will see how it feels at the bottom of hill and how the looks appear from the top of it also. So a sense of comprehensiveness is going to come to you with polar experiences that you are going to have this year. This is what is going to make you immensely grounded, mature and rich when it comes to what you will gain out of this year as you move ahead.

Spiritual Journey
You proceed in this year being surrounded with pure material desires and concerns and hence your Spiritual journey really isn’t the highlight this year. Though Saturn this year moves to your house related to personal philosophy and belief system, but you remain deeply engrossed in maintaining your life, your career, your position and re-establishing your worth. First your suffocation and then your achievements, might not allow you to see essence of things. This year indeed isn’t meant for direct Spiritual experiences rather it stands for filing gaps in your life and seeing the contrast so vividly which can open the doors for Spiritual awakening in years ahead, but this year is reserved for letting yourself lose in pure material impulses.

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