
Saturn transit to Sagittarius : Impact on Scorpio sign

Saturn transit for Scorpio Moon sign people bring great relief as their Sadesaati now enters into third and last phase, which is less tormenting as compared to initial years. Saturn now goes way from your Moon sign, and results would show as less burden inside you. There will be feeling of lightness and though your troubles and challenges cannot be said to end completely, this transit is sure to being a new, lighter & better era in your life. Impact areas are many and Saturn brings you relief along with caution. Open minded approach should be taken for the signs where Saturn is making direct impact, hence its required for you guys to be highly open minded and receptive to fully understand and appreciate message of Saturn. Let us see what Saturn moving to last phase of your Sadesaati has got and what you need to remember to sustain the heat and keep moving on.

The major test of Saturn is now over and for those in job, they can expect things to fall in place and their actions getting recognized. Trend of extreme slogging and delay in results without any reason will now start to fade. New opportunities in your job and business are on their way and you should not lose hope at all. Time till October 2017 is still difficult and can suffocate you and can result in sudden and unpleasant events in job but life will ease out after this timeline. Though it’s important to note that your career will take time to settle down comepletely. 2018 is the year when things seems scattered, no or very slow rise at work and some relocations, enhanced travels are also seen in context of work which can exhaust you mentally. As far as your work life is concerned you need to be prepared for working outside your comfort zones. Though risk and extreme pressure will reduce relative to past, but you still need to have immense patience as it would be post Oct 2018 when your career will begin to show signs of solidarity. Changes in job, in role, in place of work and your authority all are possible in 2018, in particular. It’s important to note that some new career opportunities can also come in disguise, like you can be asked to travel, relocate, it can involve foreign travels as well. Also, it can involve taking up less commanding positions, less rewarding task or your travel time to work can increase as well. Remain very open and considerate and see long term possibilities rather than short term pain.

Your finances will also grow, though with slow pace as Saturn is itself in sector of wealth from your Moon which means this Mighty planet now wants you to learn importance of money and develop discipline in financial matters. Coming to timelines to understand the transit in effective way, your time till October 2017 seems fine and slow and steady inflow is seen. Time in particular between Oct 2017 to next one year till Oct 2018 can get very slow and dull for you. Between this period there can be many mindless, sudden and unplanned expenses coming up. To further zoom in, time between May-August 2018 seems weakest for your finances, career, health and in general where you need to show best what you have got. Your health will take very slow route before it gains stability and you might need more care and proactive attitude towards your routine, your eating habits. Saturn wants you to finally adopt to better lifestyle and your past and current experiences will reinforce this. For those yet not ready to embrace the learning (be it any area),2018 will give strong reminders.

Your relationships will go through many ups-down. You have seen intense isolation, issues in family and even in personal life and instant solutions are not yet visible. Though Saturn in transit now will set trend from where healing would start, though in the background. You do have some grace till Sept 2017 but only if your individual charts offer similar support. Marriage and falling in love are possible. Next year, as clear by now, can offer resistance here also as your commitment, sincerity towards your partner will be tested. Same pattern applies with other relations as well where people can neglect you, can test you, can doubt your intention and distance can develop in literal sense. Touching the essence is important now, you will get opportunities and situations to see reality of people, relations once again, as if Saturn is sending you repeated reminders to help you realign your approach and attachments for the better. Better would then appear by 2019 from where this Saturn transit would become blessing in steady way. If you have scope, then it’s better to take more time in taking big stand about your love life. Hold on, just try to be neutral, people will themselves show their true colors, that is how Saturn will bless you in its last phase of Sadesaati.

In overall sense Scorpio people will feel calm and relief to great extent and this is the time when Saturn will free you often and take your small tests whether you have really learnt the lessons of the past or not. Remember that your behavior in public life should not be outrageous and now you should remain careful in your commitments. There could be small family disputes that you need to tackle now and do not get tempted to get into fight with your loved ones. Saturn also wants you to learn the importance of family and home, and Saturn likes to give lesson from the opposite end so it might create conditions for your isolation, but it’s all for your learning and realization. Once you get your acts rights, put yourself genuinely to the action and follow highest level of ethics in your personal and professional life, grip of Saturn will begin to loosen up. Time is now to stand up and start performing, drought has ended now and your efforts will not go in vain. Gradual growth and mental clarity along with better finances and family happiness is seen, all what is required is your patience and ability to see long term benefits. Keep working towards your goal, in fact with better enthusiasm now. Sunrise might not appear as of now, but notice at the horizon, the signs of dawn have started to appear.

Heart of the matter:
1.These articles are majorly applicable from Moon sign.
2. As Saturn remains in one sign for 2.5-3 years, these analysis articles have long term applicability. To be particular, they discuss potential and possibilities for next three years (2017 -2019)
3. Saturn transit is most intensive phenomena and impact life of individual in fundamental ways, still individual dasa pattern stands first and these transit articles are second to impact (except the ones under impact of Sadesaati, where dasa gets suppressed majorly).

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