
Purpose of life and Vedic astrology - Part 1

The most fundamental, deepest and subtlest aspect that can be explored through use of Vedic astrology or Jyotisha is finding what Samskaras(tendencies/impressions) an individual is carrying from past lives and what he/she needs to focus upon in current life in major way. Often when we talk about the purpose of life, general perception quickly assumes it’s about work life, the best career or business that is suitable. This is extremely gross and even wrong perception. The purpose of life though really cannot be judged and summarized in one line, still when seen in bigger context, it means what a person needs to focus upon majorly in current life. Through journey in this cosmos, a Soul experiences many events, life times and acquires many impressions, which when judged on some parameters can be said as bad or good ,but in reality apart from domain of good and bad, it’s all about evolution of a person by varied range of experiences .Vedic astrology is one the subtlest tool that can be effectively used to analyze the areas/aspects where a person needs to be focused ,or in other way of stating it, areas where person’s attention will be pulled by challenging/sudden events which can be repetitive in nature.

Purpose of life here refers to areas where a person needs to improve upon by constant effort. These are areas where an individual might get very challenging events which can force his or her attention eventually leading to balance of karma. Birth chart of an individual gives clear picture about these areas .It’s important to mention that actual picture generally is very complex and should be analyzed after going through whole chart, combinations, yogas, divisional charts, dasa etc, but in very broader sense ,purpose of life can be indicated majorly by placement of weaker/afflicted planets in birth chart .Let us now see what it means to have weak, afflicted(or both) planets in birth chart and what it indicates in esoteric sense about purpose of current birth, which indeed is the real essence of Jyotisha when practiced/explored at highest level.

Sun : When Sun is weak/afflicted or both, it shows one needs to learn self-reliance .It is often the case where one has misused the power ,talents, resources and position to harm others in previous lives hence in current one generally suffers in these aspects which eventually needs one to learn to live under rules, develop self-reliance ,respect people with authority and be very disciplined in official matters .Purpose of life then becomes realizing responsibility that comes with power ,pros and cons of misusing authority and position and most importantly, learning to be completely self-reliant in healthy way without developing grudges for others who didn’t helped you in your journey .Respecting whoever is above you either in age or position or hierarchy is yet another powerful lesson. 

Moon: When Moon becomes weak/afflicted, it actually becomes very complex matter in general. This means one needs to be open hearted, learn to share, give other’s emotions and opinion real respect and be more inclusive. It shows one need to learn to be part of whole and not isolate oneself owing to inflated ego. Purpose of life then becomes being humble, inclusive, keeping others above yourself, listening more, giving more than receiving and learning to live freely rather than constantly questioning God/others for your current state of life. Also, very importantly it means one needs to learn to practice self-control in small things as Moon represents the mind. Respecting food, water, resources and every feminine aspect and creation is yet another very powerful message from your weak/afflicted Moon.

Mars: Adverse state of Mars can mean one needs to focus upon being more proactive in taking actions, in helping others and in situations where one needs to show sense of integrity. Purpose of life then becomes being very disciplined in routine, helping others without caring for your own interests, being friendlier and accepting with your friends and siblings and contributing in their lives with a sense of responsibility, as if it’s your duty. Devoting one’s life in major way for bigger purpose like for nation or helping those who are in such pursuits will effectively align you if your Mars is weak. Essence hence is working more proactively for others, using your time and energy for things which somehow benefits others.

Mercury: When Mercury is weak-afflicted then one needs to focus on how he or she is using skills, talents, acquired knowledge in profession, family etc. Generally, it is seen that adverse state of Mercury in chart can mean one has cheated/used talents for harming others or for unfair means of progress in work life or in family matters. This results in bad state of Mercury in subsequent life, hence birth chart, which needs one to focus on being very professional, extremely fair and grounded in using his or her talents. This planet moves very fast and in context of current age, its significance becomes perhaps the most important as moral responsibility and personal integrity is declining rapidly in almost all professions and gain of wealth is prime motive. There has been some close cases which I have seen where an individual has gone through past life regression and I have analyzed the chart, and matching these two, the events of past life and experiences of current life along with birth chart, it becomes very clear that using knowledge, education, speech, style of work or cleverness to make money even if it harms others, involves dishonest, results are extremely devastating .So take the responsibility if your Mercury is weak and/or afflicted.   

Though every planet is important, role of Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Rahu-Ketu is perhaps the biggest as they rule deeper aspects of life and have crucial role in shaping up life of individual.  Hence their role to be discussed separately, in next part of this article. Keep learning, keep evolving.

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