
Jupiter transit in Scorpio ( 2018 - 2019 ) - Impact on Sagittarius sign

You are already undergoing through very stiff test from Saturn (Sadesaati) and now movement of Jupiter into twelfth house from Moon means these challenges moving to level next, requiring next version of yourself to face your life and situations. It’s the time when your life will apparently go in back gear, things can seem overwhelming and even getting out of hands, though understanding the essence, long term lessons of this transit will make you feel settled and grounded. Impact areas are many. It needs open heart and mind to comprehend the impact and lessons of this transit. So let’s explore.

On career front you would be required to focus more intensely owing to your own diffusing energies. Your mind will now run to gain answers to some of the metaphysical questions (why this happened, what this event has got in for me in deeper sense etc) which can impact your efficiency temporarily. On the concrete level, you can be required to relocate, to assume greater responsibilities and much more effort and dedication will be expected which can frustrate you as it can come beyond your comfort zone. This transit can bring job changes under pressure, relocations and travels under some compulsion. Your travel to work can increase, your work environment can become frustrating and less stimulating. This transit is also known to bring job loss, if also indicated by your individual chart and often next job gives lower financial returns and position too remains less satisfactory. There can be losses and diffusion of your business and it would require great hard work and vision to maintain your current level of business. This is strict no time to look for expansion as it can cause enormous complications. Regarding career matters, many points needs to be remembered. You need to remain open to temporary roles, jobs and moving to places of seclusion, relocations etc should be allowed as well. These changes would not be of long term in nature and will remain effective till this transit. Essence is to open up, not fear change and consider this transit as merely a step in your ladder of growth.

Financially this is time to preserve what you have. Earning sources, inflow can become dull and you can face lows, high expenses and heavy outflow which can drain your savings. Changes/setbacks in work life can bring financial issues and concerns. There can be losses and wastages if you are not very planned. You need to be very calculative in this transit. Though very careful and wise investments in properties and buying vehicles, fixed assets can surely be considered if necessary and if it doesn’t involve any risk or undue financial burden. Expenses on family matters, health of self and family members and on travels etc can come as pressure on you. Save more, plan your expenses and postpone major financial decisions. Its time you have farsighted approach in spending your resources, which also includes your time .You need to allow changes(external ones) in context of career and financially you need to be very wise and planned in your approach to survive this transit well.

Time from October 2018 to March end 2019 is full of such challenges while phase from April to August does have some decent financial gains and financial highs but do not get tempted by short cuts and easy way of making money .This entre transit remains challenging for you and openness for change, willingness to take on any work with good attitude will make you sail through .If you look for permanence in current situation, work life, you are bound to suffer while remaining flexible and believing that this all is merely a link towards next level of life will keep hope alive for you. Many foreign travels are seen to get activated now and generally this is the transit when you will travel to many places, though some pressure, compulsion and heavy responsibilities attached to it can make it look burden to you  .Though there will be some travels for your Spiritual journey as well, which would bring blessings to you.Your schedule is going to get much busy, and immense hard work and focus would be required as well, but returns would be pretty good too when you focus on experience rather than cribbing for immediate material gains.

This transit also needs you to give your health topmost priority. Your vitality levels are going to go down, you can feel down and drain of energy and resources can come quick in this transit. In subtle sense this transit needs you to focus well on neglected health. You will have to focus on health troubles which have been lingering on since long and they can become huge now. Expenses in this year can be big on your health. Though it is important to believe that this is happening for long term cleansing. Jupiter considered to be weak in twelfth house should not leave you depressed .Jupiter is light and wisdom and when it moves to isolated sector of twelfth house ,it means it kind of go in search mode, to find out what areas, what aspects of your personality needs to be worked upon .Its like digging deep in the mud for finding the gold. Take on health issues in positive manner, with belief that you are being healed. Take care of your diet, take extra supplements to match the required energy levels.

Now the most critical factor, about the timing of this transit for you. Combination of Sadesaati and twelfth house transit of Jupiter can scare when one tends to think transit of planets as rigid phenomena, but actually its very dynamic one. It’s not completely weak transit for you, rather Saturn-Jupiter dual transit will impart good results slowly to you given you remember every lesson learnt in last many years. In fact, for Spiritual aspirants, this is mind blowing year as such year arrives in decades. This year has the capacity to fulfil the greatest desire in Spiritual/religious matters. If you truly desire and make efforts, then your connection with the Divine will be almost instant. It’s the year to witness miracles in inner world and take a giant leap in process of evolution. It’s the year where manifest and un-manifest will walk hand in hand. You become silent and grander picture starts to emerge, your inner mind will be able to link series of events which occurred in past, which means upcoming opportunities in various aspects will make you realize what have you gained in past and for what exact purposes hardships were given to you. For those who have become steadfast in approach, stable in outlook and naturally patient will find this transit smooth and rewarding and Jupiter enriching their life inside out in positive way.

Travels, moving to places of seclusion, trying some new set of practices are possible for genuine aspirants. Taking initiation and meeting your Guru is also possible if your individual chart indicates it. This transit is good for meditation, deep introspection, for asking yourself deep questions and rebuilding your personal philosophy by your recent experiences and learning. Its the transit where things will go in slow mode. Look for long term goals, think big ,do not fear change and do not assume that life will remain at this stage for long. Jupiter is here to test your courage, your vision and once you remain flexible enough, expansion of Jupiter will gradually make you move to level next and experiences gained in this transit will become valuable lessons for lifetime .Just trust the process as of now. Quote from Mark Victor Hansen will seem apt to get to essence of this transit for you. You don’t become enormously successful without encountering a number of extremely challenging situations.

Heart of the matter:

1.Jupiter moves into Scorpio sign on 11th October 2018 and will remain in it till 5th November 2019.
2.These patterns are applicable from Moon signs majorly, though will also have decent applicability when seen from ascendant as well.
3.Transit impact patterns are generic in nature and does have deep impact on individual but individual’s time period pattern holds prime importance.

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