
Jupiter transit in Scorpio ( 2018 - 2019 ) - Impact on Libra sign

Your time has arrived. Jupiter transit to Scorpio for Libra people is beginning of new era. Its no looking back now. Jupiter brings end of your long wait and struggle, and your life starts to fall in place, in all aspects. It’s completely benefic transit for you. It’s time to reap the benefits of all of your patience, intentions, hard work and learnings. Mighty and pious Guru of Gods is now ready to bless you in bounty and its manifestation will be seen in many areas of your existence which is all pleasant to hear, explore and go through in reality. So let’s start your journey towards affluence.

The most pleasant and important area where positive vibes will be felt in your Self-worth, which is all set to grow now. You feel settled, you feel things are moving in right direction. You feel that real inner satisfaction about your life. In its previous transit Jupiter has already given you right vision and set of ideas but its now where you do apply your wisdom and gain direct results. You now get benefits of all of your patience and efforts made in past. The live example of belief that hard work actually pays will give an immense boost to your belief system where your experience will be guiding light and not just blind faith or empty words. All these events will help you feel respected in your own eyes, which will directly impact your Self-image. Even in your family, better times are head as more cohesive and joyous times will dawn there. You feel confident of your decisions, circumstances and situations around you uplift your worth and make you feel secured. One of the most critical aspect of this transit is to give you live demonstration that learning selflessly and holding patience does pay, and greatest scholar Jupiter himself will show you how.

On gross level ,time is now all good to secure a new job, better paying job, job which makes you feel good and also justify your talents .Those looking for new job ,breakthrough in work field, changes in field of work, taking up more responsible work/post, starting own venture, moving to business fields, entering into partnerships, making your stuck business grow again ,this is perfect transit and you are going to succeed swiftly .There is simply no time, no space left to look back. Jupiter will dissolve your worries and career will come on track and career graph will zoom ahead. This is the time to act. Take steps, time to merely plan and dream has ended completely. You get real money now. Your earning capacity see upward trend, new sources of wealth opens. It’s the payback time, from the Cosmos. This is the time when Libra people will be seen fulfilling many of their desires as surplus money enters their life. Apart from it, you will also see fulfillment of some long-held desires, deep in your heart. Like a child who sleeps with his secret wish list not disclosed to anyone, but only for Santa, you too be ready to expect Santa to listen and then fulfill your secret wish-list. Time is very good for long term investments, for bringing in new assets, for land and property deals, for big assets to be added. Its time you see your overall worth expanding.

 Your time from October 2018 to March 2019 is brilliant and will pave way for all round growth, happiness, greater financial security and more work avenues and rise in your self-esteem and confidence. More you act, more you see avenues to act and expand. Time between April to August 2019 will become slow and stagnant for a while though there is nothing much to worry, yes in these months you need not invest heavily and take decisions in rash. These would be months which will test your approach and you need to keep on working towards your goals, this would be just a passing phase. Life will turn smooth from September 2019 onwards again. In mentioned months, financial losses and wrong decisions leading to financial insecurities are seen, hence making wise and very calculated moves in this sensitive phase is mandatory. Also extremely important to note that you need to take solid steps based on homework done in past, on your experience as this weak phase of April to August can make you feel as if you had taken wrong steps .Do not surrender to such negativities and staying firm on your choices would be the answer, so in the first place itself make sure you are extremely sure and thoughtful of making career, financial and other important decisions about your life.

This transit focuses on quality aspects too. Your skills will be scrutinized, you will be tested strongly, but luck and optimism are all yours now. This transit is indeed defining when it comes to your work life, the feel connected to it, gains coming out of it and how it defines you as well. Your relationships and overall positive family life experiences are highlight of this transit. You would see underlying beauty of your relationships and would be able to really feel the worth of people in your life. This transit is beautiful for increasing overall level of harmony in family life. New relationships, extension of family and many celebrations all are seen strongly. Though immense caution has to be undertaken between weak phase of April to August as some testing situations too can come up. The positive influence of Jupiter will manifest as healthy bonding between family members, getting love, support, gifts from them and in turn giving them more in return. You feel secured, settled and in subtle sense this ease developing inside of yourself will make you rooted and hence will give you strong foundation to go and achieve in outer world.

Travels, relocations are not much favored in this transit, though if necessary for your growth, you can certainly plan them, though strictly in smooth period before April 2019.This transit will also give you opportunity to clean up all the mess from your life, be it your health, your conflicts with co-workers or some complex legal matters. You will gain a very balanced state of mind and can go ahead in solving many pending matters. But do not feel deterred as some challenges too can come forth in your clean-up act. This transit will create very positive environment for practicing many mind-body healing techniques which would help you gain this balance and sense of being alive. You pay attention to your food habits, your general routine and strive to find optimal ways to excel, which you would achieve ultimately.

Spiritually this transit is soft. You already had tons of lessons in the past and now Jupiter will not test you further, rather how well you apply these lessons will determine how far can you go. It’s very pleasant to state at this moment that there is literally no stopping for you and only your own inhibitions, impressions and false logic/beliefs can stop you. Time to live freely without caring for lessons or what you need to learn further, do not forget what you have learnt though. Good time to start living with a sense of collectiveness where you feel connected to everything. Simple yet very meaningful words from Eleanor Roosevelt will perhaps sum up this transit for you very beautifully: Happiness is not a goal, it’s a by-product of a life well lived. Mighty Jupiter brings such happy times in your life. Live it all, it’s your time now.

Heart of the matter:

1.Jupiter moves into Scorpio sign on 11th October 2018 and will remain in it till 5th November 2019.
2.These patterns are applicable from Moon signs majorly, though will also have decent applicability when seen from ascendant as well.
3.Transit impact patterns are generic in nature and does have deep impact on individual but individual’s time period pattern holds prime importance.

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