
Year 2019 : Impact on Cancer sign

Cancer people have a busy yet very productive year ahead. Year 2019 for Cancer people seems to have god potential in making their dreams come true, give them immense confidence and avenues for learning and earning both. This is kind of year which has high momentum and energy content in it and will help your growth rate accelerate. Best part of this year for you is its ability to raise your confidence levels, make you more optimistic and lively in attitude which would reflect in your attitude and then in results of your actions .Most of the aspects in this year are pleasant for you, with a phase of struggle and slowdown, but making you immensely strong in the end. Let’s directly move to the detailed discussion of patterns of this year for you people.

Your work life seems to be going well and this year patterns of change are not really present, unless that is indicated in your individual charts very strongly. Though the patterns of rise, promotion, moving to next position are very much possible .More responsibilities will come to you though you will handle them gracefully .This is very good time to expect expansion of your business and movement into new business lines is also seen .Its time your work life looks up, expand and you move to next stage, so this year is to dream and aim big. Yes of course it will need immense dedication and effort, something needed from you in this year throughout. For the expansion of work, rise, phase till April end and then from September onwards is best. The phase of May to August is weak for you and can cause immense stress and even job security seems very low. If your individual periods are not strong, it can result in loss of job, conditions of extreme pressure and workload rising too much. Your worth will be tested, and this phase needs very cautious approach. Remain open to more work, do not experiment at all or take undue risks in this period. Three months phase of May to July in specific are weakest and will test of your patience and attitude. This is the time when your attention should be to preserve your position and image .From September onwards there is brilliant rise and success in your work life.

Financially patterns are very much alike, and this year is good when it comes to growth in your savings and accumulation of assets. This year is auspicious and can bring addition of fixed assets, gains from lands and properties, buying vehicles etc. In weaker phase as discussed above, try not aligning any major decisions including the financial ones. Your money, energy and time is prone to get wasted and give lesser or no returns at all. Also this is the period when your expenses will shoot up on things you cannot avoid like on health of self, of family members, on family obligations and even on legal matters, if applicable. This can be the phase of real mess and you really need to be responsible for every penny. You can take out best of this year when your investments are of long-term relevance and when you are not looking for immediate gains. Time from Jan to April and then from mid-August onwards will be best to derive healthy gains.

Your health rather is sensitive area where events can test you intensely. This is the year when you can face severe health lows and especially if you are undergoing some treatment or already have some open issues, then in weaker phase things can get complicated with recovery getting suspended. You are prone for some mishaps, injuries and even surgeries if required .For the ones looking for any surgeries etc, its best to avoid May to July period as it can create unseen complications. One of the strongest message comes on health front for you is its time you leave old and rotten habits which are harming you. Its time when you can be forced to adopt a better lifestyle if you resist to accept them willingly. Better you move to a better lifestyle, disciplined routine and become aware of your eating habits. Practice of regular exercises, yoga, meditation and alike are highly beneficial in this year and you will see rapid results.

The best of this year is aligned for the ones looking to fly to foreign lands, especially for gaining education. Education and gain of knowledge in general is the best thing about this year. You can expect huge shifts in your perception levels, in the way you understand things as your mind seems extremely refined and receptive. Its best to learn something new, new skill, language, some new talent or anything which adds to your overall skill set. Be if formal or self-learned, more knowledge is bound to make you wiser this year. When you intentionally try to raise your standards by indulging in learning process, amount of joy, inner alignment will be brilliant this year. In same context, foreign travels, travels to Spiritual places is highly probable this year. Another best potential of this year lies for Spiritual aspirants who can literally expect miracles and this year can be phenomenal. Initiation into Higher practices, meeting Guru, going intensely deep into meditation, having mystical experiences, rise of Kundalini Shakti, all are part of this year. Even foray into occult sciences, learning mantras etc is very easy for you people. So accept the grace of Jupiter this year and surrender yourself to learning process which will move your conscious level many states higher.

Better patterns are on for relationships as well. Many will see new bonds forming, love life looks healthy and there is much to look forward to. You can also expect marriage to be solemnized if you are eligible for it. This year is smooth and expansive when it comes to your people network and previous isolation will end completely. Also this is one of the best year to plan your family ahead and many will see birth of new born brining in much joy. Though some severe tests also await you. Some of your close friends, social connections can end this year, especially in the weaker phase mentioned. If Jupiter is blessing you immensely to witness expansion in so many areas, Saturn on other hand is performing the deep churning in your social and generic public life relations which means some of the meaningless and karmically over bonds will have to end here. You need to make space for it without attaching too much importance to such people or events. Ideally with immense blessings present in your life, it won’t be wise to get stuck to place, things, people or events which prevents you to move ahead. Utilize the Grace of this year by being flexible, open and wise enough to understand that people change and its best to move on as early as possible by resolving to self-improvement and by enjoying the expansion in many areas. Self-love is something which this year will make you realize well.

Coming to the essence of this year for you, its expansion. Your mind, knowledge database, wisdom, all see healthy expansion. Most of the relationships expands as well, with exception of few ones which are bound to end. Its the year to take yourself to level next. For few ones it would come as compulsion or requirement attached with career growth but for majorly of Cancer people learning process this year will be independent of anything and its ultimate result would be joy and sense of elevation within. More intense lesson of this year is around your lifestyle, health and habits where you really cannot escape without bringing and implementing some fundamental changes. Overall, a brilliant, transformative and very expansive year which will take you to level next in all aspects. Enjoy the ride.

Heart of the matter:

1.These articles are based primarily on Moon sign.

2.Its important to understand that precise nature of events in life of individual is seen from combination of individual dasa and impact of transit. These articles are based on transit patterns, hence indicate broader framework.

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