
Year 2019 : Impact on Taurus sign

This year has great potential along with intense pressure in it for you Taurus people .This is kind of the year where your aspirations will get fulfilled though you have to fulfil many conditions and take on far greater responsibilities in order to move towards your goals.Though many pleasant surprises, gains and happy news will come swiftly as well without any attached conditions. Taurus people have seen tremendously testing times in past and this year does bring relief and, in a way, will act as platform to build your dreams upon. There are many ups-down waiting for you but promise and potential of this year is far greater motivating then challenges trying to test you. Let us now move to discussion of details of this year for you.

Work life looks packed up with all sorts of experiences. This year does have good career growth potential. Job changes, rise, promotions expansions of work/business all are possible in this year, but will come with a price which you have to give in order to receive the benefits. Those looking for better job will find it ,moving to parallel business domains all are possible .Though intense preparation would be mandatory .Its kind of the year where your aspirations has to be exactly matched with your skills .If you are well prepared ,have right skills and are open to learning more, and importantly, to take on greater responsibilities that will come with career rise, then this is the year for you. For ones in business fields, moving to new domains should be done with care and with lesser investments. Those looking to make a major jump from service sector to own business, ideally such drastic steps should not be taken up but if necessary, then a major backup plan is needed. Aligned with work changes, change of place of residence is strongly seen. Also you work will be appreciated but in weaker phases, you are also prone to face setbacks, politics and opposition at work.

Coming to timelines, this weak phase is between April to mid-September where your work life can move to lowest. This is the period when job insecurity is high with intense professional conflicts and setbacks in your career plans. No major career decisions need to be taken here. For your career rise, January to March and then September to December phase is best and is much more stable for growth patterns to remain alive. Financially this year is good for you and you will find avenues for financial growth. Career changes rise in work will also accompany monetary gains. One of the strongest patterns of this year is gains from properties. Investments in lands, properties is also very good in stable time phase. Specially first four months are best for it. Also those looking for selling their properties will get good returns. Addition of vehicles, other fixed/movable assets are seen in this year. Patterns of travels and relocations are very strong in this year, though in most of the cases will come with conditions and can make you extremely overwhelmed and even insecure. This is also good year for foreign travels, though for shorter phases only.

On front of relationships, this is majorly good year for you. It does end phase of isolation for you and bring expansion in your people network. You will meet many new people, new friendships, associations will get formed. The best part of this year will be realized in your love life where good vibes are at high. This is very auspicious year to get married, form long term commitments and take your relationship to next level. Marriage is strong possibility for those looking for. You are also going to get much help from your existing friends, there would be many meetings, fun and trips with them. Your equation with close family members, some old friends which went sour in last years will improve and indeed you should take steps for it. Though when your time gets weaker, your existing relations will be tested intensely and some of them will suffer adversely and will end as well, though have faith, its all going to happen for the best and this is the year which will end your karmic relationships, which are not meant to go further .So when it comes to your public and personal relationships, healthy expansion is seen to come with some pinch of bad experiences  as well, but all for your good. Remain open to let go of people which are not meant to be part of your life, which you will realize as you reach September in this year.

One of the weaker areas of this year is your health which can face on-offs. Many of your old issues can make return and it can take long time for you to heal. Issues related to ENT region, nervous system, lower stomach are seen. For stable health you will need to follow stable routine as any excesses or casual attitude will quickly lead to complications. Health of your parents and specially spouse seems a weaker part as well specially after May onwards. Apart from the physical health issues, more intense are issues which will come with work-related stress, long working hours, high expectations from you. Also strain in relationships ,complex work environment and some political developments possible after April this year seems to disturb your mind a lot and can lead to unrest in general .On deeper level this year signifies great internal struggle in letting go some aspect, some relation, some material things or simply some event in your memory .One of the most challenging aspect in fact in this year can be about how to let go and live in present.

Coming to the qualitative aspects of this year, there is nothing major to learn as you are seen too busy in your mundane affairs. There are new relationships, aspired job changes coming with some surprising events though. There are bigger gains, mainly coming from real estate and then your love life looks promising as well. All of these patterns really don’t leave any scope to think or derive Spiritual lessons. Though when your time goes resistance in middle part of the year as stated, between mid-April to mid-September, that would be time to reflect upon your approach and accept your mistakes. That would be the time to improve your actions, think of where you are going wrong and what can be done to make your job last or some relation working. Introspection indeed would be most important thing that you have to take up in this phase.

Travels are mostly of personal nature, more inclined towards externalization of energy, where you aim at experiences, fun, to forget your usual life. Spiritual travels or experiences are not intense and in case your individual charts does have such periods, this year will bring milder lessons only .In more comprehensive sense this year stands for you to experience the contrast of outer world, settle down your relationships, secure your work life and plan your finances well .Most of your time is going to get consumed in these areas. When you truly live the experiences offered by this year, your Spiritual journey then will get activated in future years. Year 2019 for you stands for taking that chance, accepting responsibility to move ahead. Colorful year for you ,but demands sense of maturity as well where you understand that there are no free lunches.

Heart of the matter:

1.These articles are based primarily on Moon sign.

2.Its important to understand that precise nature of events in life of individual is seen from combination of individual dasa and impact of transit. These articles are based on transit patterns, hence indicate broader framework.