
Year 2019 : Impact on Virgo sign

There are certain times when people and situations in your life force your attention towards more important aspects where energy focus needs to get more intense. Year 2019 is such for you. Virgo people in year 2019 will undergo through many events which will pull back attention towards area of family, your responsibilities and this is the time when you have to accept some ground realities and start to build or rebuild your life and career goals as well after realization of practical realities. Another highlighting lesson of this year around which most of events will revolve is learning to raise quality of your work and being more realistic in your approach. Though the best part is support, guidance and visible-invisible mode of help that remains with you throughout this year helping you cope up with such events well. Let us move to discussion of such events and intricacies involved.

Your work life is going to get suppressed, challenged and even questioned by certain people and situations this year forcing you to start giving far greater attention, focus on it. This year job changes are not that easy and in fact are not favored but more focus will come on quality of work. Adopting better techniques, new working methods is highlight of this year, i.e you are seen to bring some sort of innovation in the way in your work life as continuing in same way, with same attitude will create extreme suffocation. In more details it means being more disciplined, giving more time on quality of your work and finding ways in which you can optimize your working methods. Optimization is essence when it comes to your work life. Change of place is seen as strong pattern for you. Expansion in business is not ideally favored but can be taken up if risk element is low or absent, or more specifically when you have support from someone close (like if you are doing business in partnership). For business people more apt is introducing new technologies and trying to build more people connections without venturing into new domains. Its time to be more effective and productive in whatever you are doing this year.

Coming to timeframes now ,sensitive period ,which is more general for all signs, falls between mid-April to mid-August and during this time your work security falls low and you can find work pressure very high and pattern of being questioned and even question being raised about your worth and talents can come here.It will be most important to maintain healthy work standards, not get casual with approach .Have highest integrity as well in this phase. Rest time till April and then from September onwards seems good and stable were despite high pressure, you will keep finding avenues to improve yourself. To get more specific in timeline, months of May-June are weakest for your career graph where some sudden decision from management can come and your regression relations can become very messy leading to damage. Also these two months can bring ugly political event as well.

Financially, this is just a decent year with no major challenges but neither greater inflow as well. You will continue to earn decently, savings will rise gradually, though expenses have to be done on family front, especially on health matters of family members and on some family-domestic matters as well. The weaker phase of April to August though can bring some better wealth and unexpected money and money being stuck in past can come .Also during this time you can get some chunk of amount either from past investments, from family members, at work or from someone you weren’t expecting .Long term investments are favored in solid way and this is completely no year if you are looking for quick shortcuts, which applies in all sectors like expecting quick work rise, money growth or expecting people to understand you or give you fair amount of consideration .Gains from lands and properties is possible but only if your own individual charts are also indicating it as well strongly .Essence in financial context is to learn to go slow, research your choices well before and being more patient when it comes to seeing rise in your assets.

Travels are many this year and will also include many religious ones. You will meet many old friends, some of your family members you haven’t met for year will now appear and these patterns also include meeting some people who you really don’t like but have to bear for sake of some compulsion .Change of place is also place an this year many of your will change place of residence and even city change is highly probable. Those who have patterns of foreign travels in their chart can surely expect it and even migration is very strongly favored. Needless to mention, during the weaker phase, avoid travels and if necessary make sure you are strictly on purpose else wastage of money is sure to come. For the students, anyone in creative area or in learning process, this year is favorable and will bring better performance and better results. Those looking to move to foreign or distant lands for purpose of gaining higher education can certainly expect it to happen this year.

Coming to the aspect where most of your energy and patience would be required, this year your relationship front will need lot of time and considerations of various sorts. This year you can see many limitations being raised at family front, you can be required to sort some conflicts, complex matters which can drain lot of time. Differences can sharpen between family members, health of your parents, close family members looks concerning as well and many of you have to leave comfortable zone of your house in order to pursue your new life path. Essence here is disturbance of equilibrium state and allowing change in order to grow. More specifically, family life duties, some compulsions can impact your state of mind, how you feel for others and also your career matters. Your work life can be impacted by ongoing struggle on family front, or stated in other way, situations arising in your personal life can need some strong adjustments and even sacrifices in your career life. For many of you property matters can open up, which can go through ugly states specially between April to August phase. Those who are having issues with legal matters, need to remain extra cautious this year.

This year though does favor getting married, blossoming of new relations, greater socialization. Note that challenges are not present in new bonds, associations, rather they can come in existing ones. To be more precise, challenges for Virgo people will come in areas which impact their deeper beliefs and emotions. Good time for marriage remains strong till October end. As far as your social relations, friend circle and professional relations are concerned, this year seems positive and will bring healthy experiences. Spiritually, this seems more of ritualistic year, having lot of spiritual travels and external rituals but with superficial understanding only. Moving to the essence, the real lessons of this year will be found amid situations least expected from, like coming from hassles within family, experiences that you are going to gain from making necessary adjustments in work and within your family boundaries that will directly impact your psyche and how you feel within yourself. Not an easy year when it comes to what impacts you deeply. Once you are open to allow changes in such deeper aspects, this year will surely take you towards higher version of yourself with fewer problems and with much lesser karmic baggage.

Heart of the matter:

1.These articles are based primarily on Moon sign.

2.Its important to understand that precise nature of events in life of individual is seen from combination of individual dasa and impact of transit. These articles are based on transit patterns, hence indicate broader framework.

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