
Year 2019 : Impact on Aquarius sign

This the year of opportunities and responsibilities walking hand in hand for Aquarius people. Year 2019 symbolizes a surge in opportunities to earn, grow, self-improve coupled with heavy expectations that will be aligned with them, part of them. Expansion indeed is the pattern though things will be slow, even frustrating many times, but in the end you will move ahead. It’s the kind of year where expectations will be high from you and you have to show up, escaping the scenario or delaying your action part won’t be possible anymore. Let’s move to details about how things are for you people in this year.

Career part looks heavy this year. Challenges will appear first which can take form like sudden job changes under pressure, some compulsions which can also involve your family front. As this year starts and proceed towards May, pressure at work will rise tremendously. Many of you will feel stagnation as well and essence is feeling no growth, immense pressure and hence frustrated at times. This will lead to birth of desire to change and move ahead. So with challenges appearing initially, there are career changes ahead, especially during tenure of April to August phase, more precisely in month of May and June. The element of suddenness can accomplish job changes. Even you must take additional responsibilities which can prolonged your working hours and hence disturbing your family-work life balance.

Business can face stagnation, dullness, many clients can be lost and you can find difficulty in gaining new business, but very important to state, such patterns are strictly time bounded this year and will remain till August end. Time in general from September onwards will become much aligned and will allow progress, better and planned career changes where you do have degree of freedom to choose the events. The weaker phase of year which remains between April to August needs you to become grounded, avoid initiating job changes, escalating professional matters or expecting higher returns or promotion. Once the stable part is back from mid-August to be precise, you can plan career moves and invest for new business or expansion of work.

One the most important highlight or rather lesson that you need to learn in this year is about performing up to the mark and showing up when needed. This will require increase in working hours and facing challenges, intentionally taking up more work and adjusting with rising pressure at work place. You need to understand that frustrating events at work, more work, feeling stuck and even humiliated will not remain for too long and is here to initiate a change for long term. Patience and integrity shown in first half of year will ensure that you do get what you want about your career graph. Rise, promotions, better paying jobs, more business is aligned in second half of year.

Financially things are better this year, your salary will rise, you will get more business gradually. More precisely this is the year to plan your finances sincerely. You will get events where you will see how mishandling your finances, time, resources can lead to long term damage and even humiliation, so in essence this year will teach you importance of being extremely strict with what you earn. This is one the best year to make assets, gains from properties and have your own house as well. This is also very good year to buy vehicles or invest in real estate with confidence. Though needless to say, such decisions should be taken post September.

Health wise things are looking just fine and you can get scenarios where you have to give more attention to some aspects of your life which are leading to imbalances. Like you will certainly get situations which will pull your attention towards some of your habits which are causing self-harm. Also as work pressure, expectations from you are sky high in this year, your work stress can lead to health going down. Though better part is that with small care and bringing some discipline in your routine, you can expect stable health. Nevertheless, you need to identify habits, lifestyles which are harming you and aspects where you need to bring changes. Health of children in family will need care.

This year has good learning avenues though can come in forced way .It will be difficult to take up learning process by self as it will need great amount of awareness about your long term goals .Learning new skills, languages, or new working methodologies are part of this year and learning process seems continues .People at work, situations at home will also teach you many lessons. Indeed one the highlights of this year is rising tensions at home or simply more duties being assigned to you. For matters of love life, marriage, this year is not that fruitful, though still some weak chances exist in later half. Understanding the essence is important here. You have to become more mature as there will be many new responsibilities, new way of life ,family members expecting more from you is seen  .This is the year where more that work ,your family life circumstances will demand greater patience and attention .Some conflicts at home ,health of family members demanding attention, specially infants, and fulfilling duties assigned to you with grace and without complaining will be important aspects where you have to live up to the expectations.

Travels are not much in this year, clear by now, this is the time to take grater responsibilities. Your wishes will be granted ,be it work rise ,more wealth, benefits from lands and properties, realitosnhips you wanted badly, even birth of baby as well ,but every situation will demand you to understand that you cannot walk away with gains without committing yourself sincerely and thoroughly .As stated earlier, escaping the action which is expected from you is not at all possible now. In deeper essence this is neutral year for you, if you want career to rise, prove that you deserve, if you want better health ,develop a plan for it, if you want people to appreciate you in family, show your love and care .It’s the year to walk the talk.

Spiritually there is very less growth. Majority of your attention will be engaged in finding balance, handling challenges at work and in family and accepting the fact that it’s time to leave attachments to the older you and create a new you. Past memories, attachments, way of living and reaction mechanism will not give you new results. You must evolve if you want your aspiration to be fulfilled. Lessons will come directly from people, situations rather that from performing rituals, reading books or travelling. Journey is seen, but within your mind, your very personal journey where you have to move ahead from your earlier version. Frustrating year for the ones who clings to old and rewarding for the ones who will take the onus first before asking for growth. Stand up, show your worth, improve yourself, progress will come inevitably to you.

Heart of the matter:

1.These articles are based primarily on Moon sign.

2.Its important to understand that precise nature of events in life of individual is seen from combination of individual dasa and impact of transit. These articles are based on transit patterns, hence indicate broader framework.

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