
Karmic Lessons Learnt - Journey of Saturn and Ketu - 1

Who has really experienced the swings of time with awareness will surely know how Saturn works and what it stands for. Saturn is known to bring karmic lessons to attention, it has duty to bring justice via balancing of karma which is done through events generated in its period or in its crucial phases of transit. Ketu, among all the planets, has special role. Its planet of detachment and signifies Spiritual shift, learning and realizations. Any combination of these two planets is bound to have deeper implications which will shine apart, which will need repeated, focused efforts to be acknowledged and then worked upon.

In year 2019, Saturn and Ketu are transiting in same sign of Sagittarius since April and will remain together in whole year. Since April these two planets together have activated an intense process. These planets together symbolize need to learn lessons in some aspects of our lives which will necessarily involve letting go, detachment from certain people, certain emotions, way of living. This process will involve repeated realizations that you need to change some aspects within which will have direct impact on outer world. As planets involved are intense, this process of change will invariably involve pain, frustration and fear of unknown(because known patterns will end) .Though introspection, bringing change is a continuous process in our lives, coming together of these two forces means some major, unresolved, deeply buried or karmic issues which will need special attention.

This is such a huge transit phenomenon which makes it necessary for curious ones to dive deeper. Saturn is retrograde from 30th April in year 2019 and will remain so till 18th September. So coming directly to essence, the phase till 18th September this year signifies identification of areas where change needs to be brought. This period will activate/exaggerate tensions within and around and will force us to bring changes in routine, habits, take decisions related to relationships, family, work, make us realize that some emotions, relations, memories needs to be let go. Though the critical and subtle part here is this phase also means failing repeatedly, many times in actually implementing what you have realized .Not able to actually implement your realizations is not actually a failure ,rather its process of reaffirmation, reassurance that in no way growth, peace can be attained with older version of yourself. Karmic issues, or major karmic patterns needs time to be resolved.

This phase of realization and falling back in practical sense can mean giving more than one, two or many chances to some relation which is in rough state but failing time and again and reaching to same conclusion that this relation and person needs to be let gone. It can mean realizing that you need to give up some habit but still failing to actually make it happen for longer duration, still trying to fit your old self with your new goals .It can mean facing opposition ,defeats and even humiliation owing to how you think ,how you see others and due to your rigid ego. Deep within you will know that you must uplift yourself, but often will find a pullback by your lower ego. This phase signifies repeated realizations, making yourself cope up with what’s happening around. Its kind of phase where what needs to end can generate such huge disbelief that you can struggle each day to make yourself believe again. Its like dragging yourself to state of reality every day in this first phase. This phase signifies need to leave what’s known (because either its over karmically, or its not working despite repeated efforts) and enter into unknown, a process which will inevitably invite fear.

Second and final phase of this Saturn-Ketu phenomena will begin after they come closest. Saturn and Ketu will reach closest by September end and distance between them will grow continually afterwards. This has deeper significance and here second phase is formed. Coming closest, i.e by September end ,signifies ripening of belief ,finally coming to terms with a thought, way of life, relation and limitations/compulsions of your life .It means deep agreement within and end of resistance which will finally allow your movement into second phase. This second phase which begins from October 2019 onwards signifies build up of confidence in your beliefs, actual implementation and moving ahead, where let go will occur smoothly. Its a phase of total release. Technically speaking this second phase of consolidation will last between 18th Sept 2019 to 24th January 2020.

Now once Saturn-Ketu begin to move away it means they have ignited/exaggerated some events which were necessary to bring certain realizations about your life. Their movement away means now they have given lesson/s and you really know (with repeated realizations in first phase) what you need to accept, what you need to let go and what new you need to bring in. Though we will see how this phenomenon impacts individuals based on Moon/Ascendant signs in second part of this article, still to form a solid comprehension, below are some major ways through which Saturn-Ketu can bring transformation.

1.Some old relation, for some personal, for some in social life or may be professional ones can go through ugliness and then end. This process can in turn throw you in process of reformation of identity and finding meaning of life again.

2.Acceptance of some limitations/compulsions of your life and taking heavier responsibilities in family or at work.

3.Need to reform beliefs and accept major blunders caused by lower ego. Major changes in thought process and how you see yourself and others. Major work on ego boundaries.

4.Letting go of some habits, routine, limited beliefs, working methods for allowing better well-being and growth to occur.

5.Moving on, a big key word .Moving on from setbacks in family, work, health and becoming open ,embracing changes, uncertainty with less resistance.

6.Finally, in ways described above, or in similar manner, realization that nothing last forever hence living more in moment with fewer attachments.

Please click here ,Saturn Ketu Conjunction Part 2

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