
Jupiter transit to Sagittarius ( 2019 - 2020 ) - Impact on Taurus sign

Jupiter transit to Sagittarius for Taurus people is going to move to eighth house from Moon, activating the enigma. Changes now go into invisible mode and most of the impact areas will be felt rather than seen, at least in the beginning. Though generally this transit is considered to be ‘bad’ but it has so many faces and as Jupiter is coming in its own sign, this transit has so many shades and strong flavors of blessings as well .Impact areas are many, and quality of changes happening would be sharp and defining, the only relative thing here is time, time to actually realize and see these changes appearing in concrete world .Another aspect which is crucial before you realize and then utilize blessing of Jupiter is your willingness to act, stand up for what you are asking and actually performing on the ground without any rigid attachments. Let us now move to discussion of impact of this Jupiter transit in various aspects of your life.

In your work life, change in workplace and work field itself are highly probable and those looking for a bigger jump can take it, given they are prepared. More responsibilities are seen, which can seem overwhelming in the beginning. The beginning of transit can make you feel burdened and it’s in later half of that you will start to enjoy and understand the level of change/rise that you have been given. Its highly noteworthy to mention that this transit will favor job changes, job rise, movement to new place (in context of career changes as well), moving to own work, shifting career line itself but with very high sense of responsibility and in depth understanding that every kind of birth involves process of pain. Hard work and more slogging is seen, but, sense of achievement and satisfaction is sure to come along as you move with this transit. Apart from more responsibilities, this transit also brings in the need to remain very aware and ethical at work. Keep your inner eyes open, you will get a chance to see real (and ugly) faces of people around you. This transit is a chance for you to become more refined and comprehensive after recognizing reality of people and their intentions. This will require defining, re-defining your values and what you stand for which is the true essence of this transit for you. Career growth is assured but will come only when you move outside your comfort zone, are willing to work hard, open to move to new places and accept more work.

Wealth is sure to flow in greater amount, this is positive transit which will increase your earnings and new sources can open up now, though again this comes with conditions. You need to take up what you have been avoiding till now, plan your taxes, think about long term investments and have a plan how you are going to pay back your debts, if any. It’s time to respect what you have and get sincere about preserving and further growing it. Not just money, it actually applies to all of your resources like your personal/professional relations, your time, your energy and your social acquaintances. When you act honestly and have a proper plan, your savings will multiply rapidly. Time ahead shows addition of new assets, a new home/land and vehicle looks very much in sight. This transit is also powerful to get you a huge sum, gains of properties, wealth and assets from inheritance as well. Also your past investments can yield fruitful gains. Be careful in signing any deal, while taking any loan, read the documents thoroughly and be very professional in your approach. Those involved in any legal matters will have to bear tensions patiently .Preserve what you have got in this period and refrain from rash decisions.

Coming to some concrete timelines, time from Nov 2019 to March end 2020 is best part of this transit where you will make progress .Phase of April to June end 2020 is weak and can create challenges and this is where blessings of Jupiter can become blurred and will come delayed after testing you. Time then from July to Nov 2020 is increasingly good again where expansive patterns would be back. Period between April to July end is of challenges which can seem overwhelming and troubling at first glance, but with responsible thinking you will realize that all of such events hide something very meaningful and of long-term relevance. This period can come up with job changes, relocation, career shifts which can even come as sudden, forced and unplanned. Also you can feel as if losing the grip on work, family and finances and given your individual time is not protective enough, these months are high on losses and show frustrations. Time from August 2020 onwards is progressive again.

In personal relationships, it’s time to preserve what you have and any sort of experiments should not be undertaken. Development of new relationships is not ideally favored now, until and unless very strongly seen from your individual charts. Keep going easy and relaxed and your task is not to let small issues take big form. Time is stable for personal relationships only if you are mature enough to comprehend that ups and downs are inherent part of relationships. Take a good care of your health and excess work and resulting health matters needs to be balanced in parallel. Some of the old health matters or hereditary issues now can come up and needs to be given attention. However, in context of health, you need to be more careful particularly during phase of April to August end. Your professional relationships are very vulnerable in this transit and can go through volatile times in weaker phase. Pressure in work life, wrong accusations, falling prey to politics and excessive expectations not being fulfilled, all look part of this transit and requires highest sense of awareness to survive without major setbacks. Jupiter no doubt in its own sign is in full capacity to bless, but first it will test you, bring your weakness to surface and make you grow deeper in commitment.

Jupiter in eighth house is one of the finest times for Spiritual progress. You now desire/will be forced to see beyond superficial aspects of things and urge for attaining something more concrete within will lead you to practice many mind-body healing techniques like Yoga, Meditation, Pranyaama and alike more rigorously. Reading metaphysical/spiritual/religious literature is also seen and many of genuine Spiritual aspirants will take a giant leap now. This can literally be magical transit for your inner journey. Though you must open up in accepting changes, in changing yourself, in admitting your mistakes and moving ahead. One of the most critical point that needs to be comprehended is that this transit is an open-ended situation where what you actually receive depends entirely on how you perceive things and how strong is your long-term vision. This can directly mean some major changes in your approach, some can find old beliefs, set of principles falling down and Spiritual path altering as well. Remember, the prime essence of this transit is growth beyond your old beliefs.

Leave your clutter behind which ego collects day in day out for satisfying the social standards, go beyond visible limitations, Jupiter is ready to bless you to grant wisdom to comprehend essence of things. Though falling from the path or intense disturbances are also part of this transit, still it’s a transit of possibilities. Open up to allow dynamic transformation. As it is well known fact that same way of thinking and doing things will lead to same results .This Jupiter transit for Taurus people will create conditions where you have to start doing different things, move beyond your comfort, get more disciplined and dedicated .Words of C.S Lewis are perfect to sum it up, It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird, it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad.

Heart of the matter:

1.These patterns are applicable from Moon signs majorly, though will also have decent applicability when seen from ascendant as well.

2.Jupiter moves into Sagittarius sign on 5th Nov 2019 and will remain in it till 20th November 2020.Though in between it will also move to Capricorn from April to June end, which is weaker part of this transit.

3.Transit impact patterns are generic in nature and does have deep impact on individual, but individual’s time period pattern holds prime importance.

For Other Signs  :-

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio 
      Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces  

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