
Jupiter transit to Sagittarius ( 2019 - 2020 ) - Impact on Aquarius sign

Jupiter moving to Sagittarius for Aquarius sign is extremely pleasant event. This is the change you have been asking, dreaming and praying for. Jupiter moves to your eleventh house from Moon sign which is known for all goodies, for growth, for increase in wealth and for moving ahead. It’s going to be extremely pleasing to read in-depth about the impact areas brought by pious and benevolent Guru. Its like one-year window given to you by cosmos for dreaming, achieving and making strong progress towards your goals and aspirations. Greater life force, enthusiasm, energy and opportunities for growth are essence of this transit. Let us see the impact areas and how this transit is going to raise your life to level next.

Work life is the foremost area which is sure to get enlightened. For many of you, it’s a fresh phase which will bring change in work or even work line itself. This is phase for elevation so changes appearing in context of your work would be expansive. More responsibilities with greater authority are clearly seen. For the ones who will continue to work at same place, this transit will bring major support from people around and rise in profile and image is seen. This is brilliant phase to get started with your own work as well, given you have genuine homework already completed.  It’s a life force infusing transit for you. It’s time to take your career or business to next level. Best time to change job, look for expansion, move to new areas of work, but with lot of caution, detailed planning and not taking any undue risks. Planned approach coupled with sincere effort would be rewarded for sure. Career growth, more profits in business, movement into new work areas/expansion of business, promotions and greater authority all possibilities are now completely opened for you.

Financially this is a good phase but coupled with responsibilities. You see major transformation in your life. This transit will activate better times and your wealth is now all set to grow gradually. You get your stuck money back, new avenues open up gradually which gives you chance to earn. For many of you, Jupiter’s blessings will result in opening up more than one sources of earning. New jobs or rise at work will result in increased monetary gains. Increased wealth and feeling of abundance is the essence of this transit for you. There would be rise in salary ,greater gains from business fields, your family can give you gifts ,help you financially, your old stuck money can come back, you can gain from past investments and new sources of income can surely open for those looking. Gains from properties, vehicles and many other fixed assets are also highly probable now. Without a doubt, this transit is going to elevate your financial standards.

Coming to some concrete timelines, time from Nov 2019 to March end 2020 is best part of this transit where you will make progress .Phase of April to July end 2020 is weak and can create challenges and this is where blessings of Jupiter can become blurred and will come delayed after testing you.Your work ,health ,finances ,health of spouse, elders in family and overall life structure can be shaken for a while. This period can come up with job changes, relocations, career shifts which can even come as sudden, forced and unplanned. Time then from July to Nov 2020 is increasingly good again where expansive patterns would be back. Remain ethical, planned and cautious in making decisions and during this weaker phase insecurity in work life, loss of job and financial losses are highly possible which needs you to go slow and become grounded. You can be asked to prove your worth and immense pressure can be felt in this tenure. So gains coming in this transit will ask for raising your standards which needs to be maintained and even to be proved time and again as you proceed in this transit. So don’t get too overwhelmed, your skills, patience and position can be tested after initial rewards.

Networking is all set to grow as well and this is a phase to come out of your prolonged isolation and self-dejection. Joining new groups, going to new places, meeting variety of people, increased communication around and dynamism in thought process are part of this phase. Your inhibitions will break away rapidly and this will pave a way to new relationships to develop. This is also the time for love to blossom and many new intense relationships will take birth now. Not just for fun and frolic, Jupiter is now in mood to give you long term relationships which can go a long way and marriage is very strongly foreseen for the eligible ones. Even this transit is very good for family planning. Whatever changes appearing right now in your life are of long-term nature. Be prepared to see real (or even ugly) faces of people and this transit needs you to remain aware of hidden intention of people while they connect with you. This can especially happen in period post April 2020.Some celebration like events at home, more support from people you love and overall a deeper sense of security is promised by Jupiter. Travels, many short trips with friends and family along with many get together, reunions with old friends, meeting people you love are delightful aspects of this transit.

The expansive and positive touch of Jupiter is best for learning new skills and going back to learning phase. So this transit is best for students, for creative people, for anyone who is involved in creative work, fields of education. In context of work, it would be mandatory that you learn new skills to sustain your position. Taking break from work to enhance your skill set is also good in this year. This is quite healthy transit for bringing strong improvements in your health. Your if force is going to be increased which means you will now come in better position to fight with issues and win over them .Apart from much better physical state, you are also going to feel cheerful, will derive happiness from small things and greater connectivity ,progress happening in your life ,inflow of wealth and constructive patterns in majority of your relationships can bring deep content.

Spiritually this transit is very light and really doesn’t have much to offer. See this transit stands for bringing back your life force to mainstream, to establish/increase your connections with others, get more involved in work, earning, enjoying, deriving pleasure from external situations and people. The driving force of your happiness can come from outside. Indeed, this is time to freely enjoy and get thoroughly involved in pursuit of your goals. Subtle lessons will come along the way as you get into world of desires. The best of blessings of Jupiter will manifest in your ability to learn and assimilate. Work on your skill set, resolve to learn as much as you can. The hope and lightness of this transit should be utilized to gain experiences, knowledge which can benefit you in times ahead. Worth to repeat, you should not become too causal, overwhelmed and arrogant when you feel goodness spreading in and around. Learn with full heart, work with utmost sincerity and plan your finances well. Sincerity and farsighted attitude will make this transit fruitful for you. Diligence is the mother of good luck said the Benjamin Franklin and it’s your diligence which will make it happen. Grace and blessings are yours. Zoom ahead.

Heart of the matter:

1.These patterns are applicable from Moon signs majorly, though will also have decent applicability when seen from ascendant as well.

2.Jupiter moves into Sagittarius sign on 5th Nov 2019 and will remain in it till 20th November 2020.Though in between it will also move to Capricorn from April to June end, which is weaker part of this transit.

3.Transit impact patterns are generic in nature and does have deep impact on individual, but individual’s time period pattern holds prime importance.

For Other Signs  :-

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio 
      Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces  

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