
Solar Eclipse 2019 : Taking the leap

This whole Universe( and much beyond)  is whole one Organic Being and changes appearing at any level is bound to impact other parts, that’s what the basic underlying principle of Vedic astrology is .Eclipses are the time of sudden shifts .Taking an example, think about overeating to the point of extreme discomfort or taking a fast, abstaining beyond limit which leads to exhaustion. Compared to normal day eating habits, these can be said to sudden shifts. Any sudden shifts give us an insight (the diamond ring?), a deep realization, as if truth has suddenly flashed before us, like a thunderstorm. Those who can keep their focus, their desire, their intent on finding this spark, the realization, will find eclipses to be time for sudden leaps in consciousness.

Solar eclipse is the time when Moon(the mind, which is formed/propelled by senses) covers the Sun(the Soul, the Consciousness, the part which knows the right and what needs to be done, the clarity in life).Loosely interpreted it means time when senses, your mind, your long earned Samskaras blocking, suppressing the Truth ,or simply your senses becoming strong and erratic giving you chance to see your life, your reality either from point of excess(overeating) or from point of lack(extreme lack, or abstaining).It actually depends at which level of evolution a personal stands hence where his or her consciousness is. This state determines how one sees any event and what are take always. Broadly speaking either one can feel stuck and even dragged by rise of senses and randomness in life or one can find some gaps, can see how excesses ,lack or any intensification of any feeling ,aspect of life can help let go .It can make one move very closer to release of feelings ,changing behavioral patterns because of seeing other dimension of any situation, feeling, relation owing to leaps presented by eclipse .Coming down to gross world, below are Moon sign based impact of this eclipse which will remain effective for next few months ,at least 1.5 months to be precise.

Aries – Events at work, your professional relations specifically and at home with your parents can go through intense experiences.  Changes of plan, failure at last moment, finding despair even after getting what you want and finding major loopholes in your approach due to arrogance and ego can open new doors for you. Humility, grounded nature, listening more, accepting defeats and acknowledging problems caused by ego and arrogance will give a way to your shifts.

Taurus – Most of the events like in family, related to your health, challenges at work and in health of parents can be of karmic in nature, hence beyond your control. Here key is graceful acceptance. For you key is acceptance and nonresistance to what is happening. There can be total breakdown of old patterns, some relations, habits and life will ask you to move into unknown patterns(jobs, places ,relations etc) which you should freely allow. Trusting the process but with learning the lessons is your way of moving ahead.

Gemini – Your world around, your relations, your desires, your indulgences with/in them and frustrations, lessons and deep pain, bondages coming out of it will give you chance to take a leap. You can experience deep anguish owing to lack of control over others. Also you will see futility of some patterns, habits, emotions. For you key is giving others (and hence yourself) full freedom to what they want. Let relations flow naturally. Working on self, releasing any rotten attachments with people, along with seeing/realizing the cycles of pain/pleasure associated with any habit will create major way for your progress.

Cancer – Extreme results of risks ,ignoring health ,ethics and rules can create problems at work, in your health and for many intensification/beginning of legal matters .It is through seeing, acknowledging the outcome of such ignorance, excesses and neglecting rules, ethics can create way out for you. Compulsions arising out of work situations, your health, your complex relations will show you where and what you need to work upon.

Leo – Your mind running like a mad monkey through various emotions, fears, imaginary situations and losing control getting driven by ego, damaging relations, hurting others and creating many false barriers can create many sorts of conflicts. Seeing the futility of allowing your mind to eat all garbage of surroundings will create a shift for you. See how ego, arrogance, giving attention to every thought create mindless problems. Some loss of relation, a person can also create a shift.

Virgo – Some challenges in family, conflicts among members, moving out of comfort zone at work can create situations of restlessness and force you to adopt new approach and even leave some old ways of living. Shift for you can happen once you are ready to accept new equations within family, ready to let go of old lifestyle and becoming more committed to work despite continued set of challenges. Moving with the flow is key for change.

Libra- You can see many conflicting events within family, with friends, at workplace. There can be deeper realization about failure of your approach, your desires which can initially lead to frustration and deep sense of surrender. It is through learning to take calculative risks, by not trusting everyone, and through minimizing your involvement in useless activities, organizing your life that you will find way ahead out of current confusions.

Scorpio – Some of the problems in family, problems in lives of your family members, elders, you find some lessons. Some financial blunders, wrong decision or wrong approach leading you to a sense of deep loss can open up new insights. For you key lies in accepting your mistakes, learning to use your time, energies and resources wisely. Seeing, accepting how your earlier approach and decisions led to downfall can create a shift for you. Main key is being honest with self.

Sagittarius – Rise in randomness in family, love life, your weakness becoming point of discussion and seeing randomness in behavior of others can create unstable patterns. You can lose grip over self. For you key lies in resolving to work on self, on finding middle path, bringing balance in what you speak, what you eat, how you react, how much you speak. Shift can happen only when you are ready acknowledge your shortcomings and how it has created so many issues in and around, rather than act of covering up.

Capricorn – You can feel losing control on people, situations and problems in health, in work and excessive wastages and expenses can create extreme discomfort and sense of drifting without purpose/direction. Key for you lies in practicing surrender, in trusting the process, in not trying to control others but to only remain committed to what is in your hands. Shift can occur when you can realize how negligence of any aspect of life like work, relation, health or finances led to problems recently.

Aquarius – Not finding lasting peace even after getting what you want and feeling restless, agitated by your ego along with creating ego barriers with others can create problems down the line and hence open doors for a shift. Conflicts with friends, exaggerating your desires beyond a limit and acting in overconfidence can create bondages. Key for you is getting grounded, seeing futility of being arrogant and seeing/realizing the fact that time changes quickly. Shift can occur when you realize you have been driven by ego blindly.

Pisces – Failure of your efforts, your approach, problems in family and struggle related to finances can create deep pain and frustration. Old patterns related to your family life, your work and your surroundings (people, place, relations) can fall down now. Shift can occur when you are ready to let go of old patterns, old emotions, old place and associations. Moving into new patterns with deep trust and without fear will open up new paths for you.

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