
Saturn transit to Capricorn : Impact on Aquarius sign

Overview of transit
  • Saturn moves to your twelfth house of chart which starts your phase of Sadesaati. Now the next 7.5-8 years are going to be with Lord Saturn and he is going to transform your life altogether. Focus now goes to very details in almost all aspects. Now you will start to see delays in small things and there will be need to upgrade yourself and become responsible in what you speak, what you commit and what you do. No longer you are free to pursue your goals without utmost sincerity. In deeper sense this initiates time for paying back your old and very old karmic cycles/debts.
  • Saturn in transit will aspect second, sixth and ninth house. This means slowing down your state of growth, earnings will slow down and savings as well. This phase will raise expenses, personal-professional confusions and can cause many conflicts in family, with elders and at professional level.

Impact on gross level
  • Delay in small to big tasks. Unseen obstacles in your goals.
  • People getting hostile and support becoming less from others.
  • Some of very close and loving people can move away, reason can be any, essence is its time for you to face your life all by yourself. This transit phase can create differences with friends, family members and in almost all of your relationships (depending which areas are afflicted in your induvial charts).
  • Expenses will rise and you will have to travel randomly causing stress and messing up of your plans. Though some religious travels will come as well brining blessings and also some personal happy trips creating memories.
  • Health of elders in family can decline. Relations with them can see distance-difference.
  • Your focus can become weak, which means it can take longer periods now to accomplish your work.
  • Your own health can create issues now and then.
  • Career rise and growth can come but can have some conditions attached which will become clear or which will become active as you move ahead in this phase.

Impact on deeper level
  • Your state of mind can become blurred and differentiation between right, wrong can get too difficult for you.
  • You can become isolated owing to work, personal, health compulsions which can come due to work schedule etc. Some periods of isolation, living away from loved ones can certainly come in this phase.
  • Emotional state can start to get clouded and in many cases, you can willingly take wrong decision under impulse, influence of your ego and owing to impressions of your past success.
  • You can feel misunderstood and connection with others can start to decline. It will happen for purpose though as Sadesaati first phase often creates ground for spending time with self so that deep and honest introspection can be done.
  • Owing to swinging health, low vitality and mood swings, generally there can be irritation at times.
  • Your interest in Spirituality is going to rise. This is good time for many travels, enjoying foreign lands, spending for pleasure ,fun and also for learning, Spiritual quest. This phase will invoke intense desire to link things and events.

What needs to be done
  • Save more. Spend less and start to value your time, money, resources and of others as well in very religious manner.
  • Do not procrastinate anything which can be done today. Remain active and in attitude to finish it all.
  • Work with specific goals under timelines and do not change or bring unnecessary reviews in your plan. Once you commit something, try to fulfil it without any excuses.
  • Follow stable routine, do not bring random changes in when you sleep, eat. Follow a stable, disciplined life.
  • Do not oppose people, traditions, beliefs, opinion of others blindly .Listen more, respect differences with others and learn to obey rules ,process whole heartedly.
  • Take very good care of your health and take supplements to maintain energy levels.
  • Very necessary for you is to remain centered and not get influenced by anything or anyone too soon. Practice meditation, sit alone daily and find peace in doing nothing. Find center within.
  • Higher remedy for you is to see futility of ego. Do charities, send time with people who are less privileged and if possible help them. See around and develop gratitude for what you have. Its necessary for you to do meditation or any similar practices which brings you back to your center.

          Heart of the matter:
  •  Saturn transit in Capricorn is from 24th January 2020 to 17th January 2023.These three years’ time is termed as transit phase in article.
  • These write ups are based on Moon signs and will have generic applicability. Precise results depend on many factors like your individual dasa, strength of sign in your chart.

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