
Saturn transit to Capricorn : Impact on Sagittarius sign

Overview of transit
  • For Sagittarius sign people, Saturn moves to second house which now leads to end of peak phase of Sadesaati and start of last phase where Sadesaati will decline. Focus will come from on self ,on how you can improve and what actions you can take to make things better .Focus will come from intense problems ,stagnation and lack of opportunities to implementation, your career growth and financial growth too will pick. Main focus seems handling issues in family, in work and your finances.
  • Saturn in transit will aspect fourth, eighth and eleventh house. It means focus on family, self, what you have to do about these aspects. Secondly it means lack of support from others and need for self-reliance. Thirdly focus will come on how to use your wealth, resources wisely and some relations in social-family life can offer resistance.

Impact on gross level
  • You will see opening up of new career opportunities with end of total lack in growth avenues.
  • Financial inflow will start to grow. There will be end to complete blockage, lack and debts will start to settle.
  • Some family conflicting matters and personal-social life relations challenges will come. Differences with friends, your family members, spouse can come in this phase.
  • Financially situations will be tight and you have to make balance in your outflow despite some greater inflow.
  • There can be challenges in maintaining work-family life balance.
  • Professional relations will improve but family matters will gain more focus and will need greater time. Focus will shift from love life/marriage to other relations like elders, siblings, friends, in laws etc where you have to create balance.
  • Health will improve and excess mental fatigue, sense of dejection and pessimism will end.

Impact on deeper level
  • There will be greater scope for doing things which you were not able to make it happen till now. There is relative rise in degree of freedom in your destiny patterns.
  • You will get slightly better support from people around and scope for communication will rise. This will lead to sense of relief as you will be heard and your concerns, say will be given weightage.
  • Extreme pressure within psyche will end and you will start to feel more in command. For many of you this phase will also bring end to suicidal and extreme depressive tendencies and desire to take back control will gradually come back.
  • There will be misunderstandings leading to sense of rejection and alienation in family and social life. It will lead to isolation and a feeling of being cut off from mainstream life. You can feel all by yourself, as if no one is able to truly get you.
  • More pressure in work and in maintaining your relations will need you to constantly remain on toes .Scope to relax and let it loose is still not there which will make you tensed and irritated at times as you really cannot live without taking great responsibilities.

What needs to be done
  • You need to take end to end ownership of whatever tasks you take up. Whatever you do put your whole being in it. This won’t be easy but is need of this phase to wrap up lessons of Sadesaati effectively.
  • One of the most critical lesson for you is development of patience. Patience will be needed in dealing with people in family, your social relations and many other professional-public life interactions where you really cannot show your raw feelings. You can only cross this phase smoothly when you grow your patience every day and use it consciously.
  • Save money and use your time in calculative manner. Avoid getting into matters of others, gossiping or wasting energy on things which you cannot control. This means you need to stay focused on things which are in your hands.
  • Very critical is to accept your faults and not put your ego ahead of your relationships.
  • Another extremely critical lesson for you is to identify the desire to blame other people or situations. You need to identify and consciously control your instinctive way of escaping the situations and move to your old comfort zone. Its time to show courage and accept where you are wrong if you really want this phase to show positive results.
  • Higher remedy for you is to speak less, with care, delay your reaction and help underprivileged people with your money, time and if possible by financing anyone’s education or at least feeding poor. Also plant trees and feed animals. Idea is to share your resources.

          Heart of the matter:
  •  Saturn transit in Capricorn is from 24th January 2020 to 17th January 2023.These three years’ time is termed as transit phase in article.
  • These write ups are based on Moon signs and will have generic applicability. Precise results depend on many factors like your individual dasa, strength of sign in your chart.

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