
Year 2020 : Impact on Aquarius sign

This is going to be a mixed year having varied sorts of experiences on all sides. Year 2020 for Aquarius sign people signifies time to make yourself balanced, correct your mistakes and the deeper essence of this year is a wakeup call. This year while Saturn moves to your twelfth house initiating phase of Sadesaati, your Jupiter for majority of year is still in protecting mode which means you still have lot of time to work on self and get back to basics. This year does show progress in desired direction but in between you will have phases of realizations and some events in your life will also pull your attention towards your weakness which should be worked upon immediately. Let us now directly jump to details about your time in this year.

Aquarius sign people do have strong changes for making it big when it comes to work life. There are very strong patterns for job changes, rise, better work environment and more recognition coming in. Progress in career matters is completely assured. This is also decent time to expand your business and move into new domains, though you should be planned and amount of risk and investment should be calculated .Your Sadesaati will start from Feb onwards which needs you to become aware and very careful in what decisions you take, so many major decisions needs to be well planned with low risk factor. In the weaker phases of year job security can fall and job changes under compulsions which can even require you to relocate can come. This is where comes the phase of introspection and taking a pause .In subtle sense you need to reevaluate your career goals and approach .You are certain to find your mistakes, flaws in your attitude once you are ready to be totally honest with self. As you are now getting into long phase of Sadesaati, its best to enter with clean heart and mind and resolve to become aware in what actions you take. The most important point now in work matters is to do your work sincerely and put your total being and follow ethics without fail. This is important for you as you need not take anything or anyone for granted and show of ego, arrogance or negligence, hurting anyone can cost you badly. So sincere, committed and wise, well thought decisions in career will surely bring progress. Remember with power comes the responsibility.

Financially this is encouraging year. You are going to see good inflow of wealth and savings will rise. Your financial desires will be well fulfilled in sense that you will buy things you cherished, there will be addition of new assets, you will do lot of shopping for self and others and you will not feel any lack .Though in weaker phase you can see expenses coming in as some compulsions and sudden need of some family person or for self. This is where comes need to behave responsibly and save right from the start. This year is a window given to you by Universe to settle down, save, make yourself well set to for through learning times of Sadesaati ahead. So grow your savings, the grace in this year should be utilized for future purpose. Enjoy your run, your current scenario though save for the future. Financially this is rewarding year in major way and more salary, more profits from business and new ventures are very much seen.

Health matters seems just fine though you seem to be standing on boundaries it seems. Now this year you need to make sure that you are giving power to better life style and withdrawing yourself from scattered, carefree and casual routine. You now start to pay attention to living much more optimally. This year does assure good health, recovery from earlier issues and overall robustness but this should not make you become casual about your health. The main point is to follow stable routine and do not allow any sort of randomness ,negligence ,excesses in your health which can show impact in times ahead .In weaker phases of year some health issues can come though which can require major changes in life style and will also need some treatment. Earlier health issues or genetic ones can also come in this year ,so time to be alert, specially whose family lineage has some issues. Emotionally you are going to be fine, though at times a feeling of being lost, having no direction and losing touch with basics of life can make you float, become unavailable. So keep yourself tied with goals but do not lose touch with family, friends or anyone/anything that brings element of love and compassion.

Area of relations seems decently balanced as well. Though the patterns here are gain on boundary line .In very fundamental way this year represents probability of any issues in its seed form. This applies to area of relations very aptly. Now you do have strong time patterns for expansion of your social life, you will meet many new people, will remain engaged in your life, with friends ,family and this is also very strong year to fall in love, to experience love and passion and even get married. For those looking for this is one of the strongest year for marriage and also for family planning both. This year does give you total freedom to start something new ,make new friends, mend your earlier relations but only sincere approach will work. How committed you are towards your relations will matter critically .Now its again important that you realize importance of relationships .This year some differences with people in your life ,in love life ,with friends can certainly come which is time for you to work on self. This is the year when you should not go to denial mode or simply justify you acts. It will need immense courage, but its need of the hour to look within, certainly you are going to find many areas where you need to work. You should not cover up. Honest introspection about your approach and behavior with others is extremely necessary for your future stability, your image and continuation of balanced social life.

Travels are many, you will experience life in full contrast. This is very strong year for gain of education, students and people in creative, media ,business and networking fields will shine. This is very beautiful year to learn new skills. Coming to timelines, this year time remains positive from Jan to March and phase of April to June is weak and June-July in general are challenging months as well. Most of complications though can come in April to June phase and it would be wake up call for you. Time ahead of September will be stable but post November will start you to live a life of commitment and discipline.

Spiritual prospects are average to weak now. This year your energy seems to be flowing outward and your attention, deepest desires will be material in nature. Spiritual lessons will be almost invisible but in weaker phase will show up like a spark. Its absolutely fine not to get into any sort of religious or Spiritual learning and freely chase your dreams, material gains and live life passionately. Though what’s important for you is not to degrade your nature, not to humiliate anyone, not become arrogant, closed or work with egoistic motives. Staying humble in success is most critical lesson that should come naturally to you by year end. This is a majorly good year, but worth repeating, represents potential problems in seed form. So while you enjoy, have fun, take a leap in life and fulfil many of your desires and goals, you need to gradually develop responsibility along with humility .That’s how you can derive best out of this year.

Heart of the matter:

1.These articles are based primarily on Moon signs.

2.These articles are of generic in nature and visibility and intensity of events will vary from individual to individual. The reason is impact of personal time periods (Dasha) and also strength of signs in which Jupiter and Saturn will transit.

For Other Signs  :-

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio 
      Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces  

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