
Year 2021 for Aries


Expansion areas

  • Career rise is strongest highlight. You will move ahead from previous years conflicts and confusions and this year is of major career rise, progression, taking great jump and getting rewards of your past hard work.
  • Best year for making a bold moves towards your own work. For those looking this year is best platform to move into business field, leave job to start new venture or start new work in parallel to existing work. Major expansion in work is sure to come.
  • Major rise in wealth, specially towards the second half of the year. This is year to reap benefits of last three years of hard work. You will see rise in savings, new assets will be made like gains from properties, buying house, vehicles and many other home assets. Best year to invest majorly, for personal, pleasure, for business expansion, for family members, all for the good and future growth.
  • Better social, personal relations along with quick rise in your people connections. This is year for better connectivity and you will see isolation of past phases ending completely, though towards second half of the year only. You will find happiness with friends, in social life and to some extent in family life as well.
  • Very strong year to get married, to fall in love, for taking your current relation to level next. Also its best year for conceiving, birth of children for those trying.
  • Brilliant time for students and for anyone looking to learn, upgrade through formal or self-learning.

Challenges ahead

  • Family pressure, more workload, higher expectations from almost everyone is main challenge for you.
  • Initial 4 months of this year are challenging for your career growth, can create high pressure and if your individual time is weak, it can lead to loss of work or extreme tensions and loss of image as well. Professional conflicts and conflicts of interests are highly likely as well.
  • Health can suffer mildly and this can be year of several fluctuations in emotional state as well.
  • Change of residence, even in forced manner/under compulsions, is possible.
  • Health of elders in family, especially parents, can need intense attention.
  • If your individual charts have weaker patterns in love life, this can be testing year for stability of marriage/relationship as well, especially time till mid-April.

Lessons and needed approach

  • You need to be patient in first half as career events can be testing, frustrating, delays in fulfillment of goals and many obstacles can come. You need to think long term and with right mix of logic and preparation, you should also take bold and decisive stand like leaving job, standing for your rights, bringing any injustice to notice to concerned persons .Main essence is speaking up ,standing for the right cause and not fearing anything or anyone if you are truly honest and sincere in your work. You will certainly get what you want if your dreams are coupled with right efforts and intentions.
  • You will learn about ugly reality of some people, especially at work and possibility in your own family too which can come as rude shock but will clear up your way for better future. So your main task becomes not imposing your old impressions on such exposed relations. Face what it is and do not try to color the picture. Accept how some relations are, how some people are and take this realization with you to move ahead. This is year for some bitter truths to be accepted in area of relationships.
  • Career expansion can only come if you are truly prepared and deserving as well. You need to open up, take needed action and show your worth. So you need to be honest with self before you initiate some changes in work or leave job, plan to take up something bigger. Your self belief, preparation level and vision needs to be rock solid, rest results are totally assured.
  • You need to make space for growth which can need openness to move to new position, taking up more work, higher role, even work of others and moving to new place and working in new/weird timings as well.
  • Work towards relations which matter. This is majorly applicable for married life/love life where you can see turbulence. This can be year of test and you will have to become decisive, so be extremely conscious in both entering or existing any relation .Its going to leave strong impact in future.


Being bold, decisive and having vision is underlying theme of this year for you. If you really want something, you will achieve it in this year, though it will have price, conditions attached to it .Once you know where you stand, what you need to do and you actually do that ,this year can bring huge rise ,gains, leap .A year to be best version of yourself. So set your goals, accept what it will take and chase them passionately, it’s your year to make it big.

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