
Year 2021 for Virgo


Expansion areas

  • Steady career rise will come this year. Desires career changes, rise can come with persistent efforts.
  • Decently good year to experience steady rise in wealth matters .This is good year to focus well on your financial management.
  • Good time for arriving at crucial decisions in life. It can pertain to love life, your higher education, choosing between two career fields and many such decisions will be taken this year. You will finally arrive at conclusions to some matters which were on hold or under confusion since long.
  • Good year for learning. Many will opt for higher education, gain of new skills ,certifications is seen to come this year.
  • Good time to move to foreign lands and for those looking for migration, if individual charts supports, this can certainly be the year.
  • Good time to plan family. Many of the eligible ones can conceive. Very strong year for extension of family.
  • Health issues can end, though will need persistent focus.

Challenges ahead

  • This year seems high on small to big challenges and all the positive events can have some initial level struggles involved .This means career change, rise can come after a phase of struggle ,or facing sudden lows and setbacks in work .Career growth will demand immense hard work, patience and preparation.
  • Work pressure will rise in the middle part of the year. Job security can fall many times and some of you can even face uncertainty regarding continuation of your roles.
  • Work stress is also high in this year and you can miss work-personal life balance in major way. This year challenge for you is to maintain your time ,energies balanced as getting into extremes, excesses is highly likely.
  • Health area can see some challenges too With rising stress, some of you can simply face tensions, pressure, anxiety while few of you can also see some old and new health issues coming. So this is the year to be extremely proactive in taking care of your body.
  • Your social life, work relations can also see some disturbances. It means you can see some fights with friends, at work, teammates can become inimical, work atmosphere energy sucking. Challenge for you will be not to exaggerate small matters and maintain your productivity and protect your image amid such events.
  • Its also a challenging year for your personal relationships where sharp swings can come .It means many of you can witness troubles, conflicts and even end of relationships.


Lessons and needed approach

  • Whether you like it or not ,you have to learn and relearn many things this year .This year is high on teaching you. Foremost lesson for you is to understand that every goal and wish has price tag attached to it .You need to show commitment ,make small sacrifices in order to achieve your goals .So this year apart from slow fulfillment of your desires will actually make you wise.
  • You need to learn time management this year without which it can become very messed up. Work, family, personal time needs to be balanced else natural patterns this year can become very stressful. So you need to put efforts in order to maintain stable life routine.
  • You will also learn importance of health this year. Now its up to you how quickly you learn and respect the signals of your body. You can feel tired, exhausted and some of you can face health lows. This is the year when you need to respect your body and hence taking corrective measures for any issues. This can mean medication for some and in general leaving some old harmful habits, routines and taking up healthy diet, regime. This can take much of your energy as well but is worth taking up this year. Either you do it intentionally taking responsibility or else time will force you.
  • One of the most important area where your focus and persistent efforts will be needed is area of people relationships. This year is not high on expansion of relations, so you might not get new bonds, new friends or better family environment. This is the year to preserve what you have. Amid some difficult disruptive patterns, you can find isolation, negativity and differences in many of your relationships. So you have to work for those who truly matters .Its year when you have to put your ego aside for something bigger.


A slow paced year for you. You do achieve what you desire but after sweating, showing your commitment levels and consistency. Health will need focus and you can come out as winner by learning time and wealth management which are absolute in need this year .Put good efforts for your goals, do not stay stuck in small matters ,preserve your energies  well. Relationships which truly matter should be handled free of ego. Year where your patience is surely on test, goals are surely reachable but you will have to raise your bar, almost everywhere.

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