
Jupiter transit to Aqaurius : Impact on Leo sign


Overview of transit

Jupiter transit for Leo sign people brings back happiness, better energy, hope and enthusiasm. Essence of this transit for you is growth, happiness and merging into normal healthy streamline of life. Jupiter brings rise in work, success in major efforts, much more wealth, openness in thought process and fulfillment of many wishes. You are going to expand, both at material and at level of consciousness, happily.

Expansion areas

Rise in work, promotions, more gains and expansion in business are going to come. New ventures, partnerships, new business avenues will come.

More wealth, more gains, new avenues to earn will come now.

Travels will rise and if your individual chart do not oppose, then you will also move to different place of residence.

Marriage is strong possibility for those eligible. It is good transit for love life and higher intimacy.

Old friends will be back, confusions, troubles with anyone still important will end. You can get chance to bring important relations back on track.

Health will improve majorly, though not without some sharp swings at times.

Most positive impact can be felt in how you feel. Its energy, enthusiasm infusing transit for you which means greater happiness and you will get back your enthusiasm as well. You will feel as if there is much to look forward now.

Challenges ahead

Challenges are of milder in nature as this transit is majorly good for you.

Main challenges can come in your family, love life though it strictly needs to be mentioned that if your individual time is also weak then only issues will come. In general there can be challenges with partner, marriage can go through rough patch and even separation and end of old bonds can come.

Health will also go through rough patches at times. Some old health issues can come back and if your individual time is very weak then some long treatment, surgeries etc can be performed. The main essence here is suddenness of such health issues.

If your partner has weak time, then they might go through challenges in career, thought process and at level of health too .They can even change work line itself and it can be time for major transformation in their lives.

What needs to be done

Its pretty good transit which means you don’t need to push much, things will flow easily.

You need to allow new to enter. This transit will harmonize, bring new relations, events in your life and life will expand. Not only your current relations will get better, you will form many new ones as well. Your overall public life will expand. Allow expansion.

Give attention to health sincerely as some sharp lows can come.

Support your spouse, your partner can go through some difficult life situations.

Very importantly, do not carry on impressions of past. This is life infusing, fresh and very positive transit which will bring new life to you. Allow, be open and receptive.

Spiritual journey

There is not much Spiritually in this transit. In fact your attention can come strongly on love, money ,intimacy, social engagement which is absolutely fine. You need this to feel normal. Spiritual lessons need not to be imposed. You only need to live your best and do your best for people who matter. This is the time to come back to main stream life with bang. Its time to live with passion.

Heart of the matter :

Transit analysis is from Moon sign.

Jupiter remains in Aquarius approximately for year. From April 2021 to April 2022.Though in between it will again go back to Capricorn sign for approx. two months time, from mid-September to mid-November.

Very important to note that these patterns are of generic in nature .Actual results will vary due to individual charts, their own time patterns.


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