
Jupiter transit to Aquarius : Impact on Sagittarius sign


Overview of transit

Jupiter transit for Sagittarius sign people ends isolation, self-focus and immediate needs and your consciousness expands now. It means time to consider bigger picture which can involve looking into past, thinking about future, looking at long term picture ,developing vision and connecting to people, things ,learnings needed to grow ahead .Essence for you is increase in life force and expansion beyond yourself .You think, feel and even act from others perspective in order to fulfill your goals and grow as a person too.

Expansion areas

Greater connections, much happening social life and more friends coming closer .This is good transit to feel connected with others.

Love life is going to gain focus. It means marriage is strong possibility for those looking. Also it stands for greater love, harmony in family, married life. Better relationship will come naturally now.

Money inflow will rise. Even some of the new avenues will open up. You can get opportunity to start new work and partnerships can be offered as well. Time for work life to expand.

Career shifts are not direct but main essence is expansion of work through increase in your reach, connections. Its good time for people in business fields as it signifies higher inflow of clients greater business returns .Even you can expect to move into new business lines if looking so.

This is strong transit to give you travels, higher movements. So many trips can come in this transit, both related to work and personal.

This is also a very good transit for formal education. Moving to distant lands, even foreign countries for pursuing education is strongly seen for those seeking.

Challenges ahead

Challenges are mild but present in area of relationships itself. This is good transit overall though will also bring some disturbances in family, with some close friends ,siblings at times. Though only very toxic relations will end. Still challenges can come in almost all spheres like family, with work connections, close friends.

You can face difficulties in managing work life. Pressure will rise, more work will come and at times there might not be support or expected financial returns. This transit can create lot of randomness, hectic schedule which can drain you rapidly.

Some of you will also experience challenges in academics. This transit favors higher education but same will come through some setbacks. Also performance at work, in studies can drop at times which can invite criticism.

Expenses can shoot up .Though earning seems good but your expenses can rise even higher. The essence of challenge is mismanagement of time, of wealth, of relationships .So if you really want to improve you need to understand underlying issue which is mismanagement. This will be caused both by intense hectic schedule and also due to your own mistakes and attitude.

What needs to be done

Foremost point is to learn to manage your life. Treat people with respect, value relationships and understand that you cannot live in isolation and some relations have to be kept alive despite shortcomings and imperfections.

Time management, balancing work-family life is very critical. You can really burn out now which needs you to plan your day as early as possible.

You have to put more effort in fulfilling duties. It means unless you are deeply committed to your work, you can make mistakes and your efforts can be counted as less. You have to act so sincerely that it shows up itself. Genuine commitment is key for you coupled with good time management.

Spiritual journey

There is no great significance, but at the same time is neither lacking transit. It means you can still remain involved in learning, in spiritual pursuits but at very superficial level. This transit is inherently material for you and it’s all fine to pursue what your heart desires. Only lesson for you is not to feel guilty when you practice self-love. Its all fine to put all of your energies in sorting your life. Spiritually you will continue to grow but in very gradual manner. Average transit for your inner growth.

Heart of the matter :

Transit analysis is from Moon sign.

Jupiter remains in Aquarius approximately for year. From April 2021 to April 2022.Though in between it will again go back to Capricorn sign for approx. two months time, from mid-September to mid-November.

Very important to note that these patterns are of generic in nature .Actual results will vary due to individual charts, their own time patterns.


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