
Jupiter transit to Aquarius : Impact on Gemini sign


Overview of transit

Jupiter transit for Gemini sign people bring back hope, relief and opening up of many new possibilities. The essence for you is getting much needed relief in testing times of Dhaiyaa, the test from Saturn. Jupiter comes in position to bless you and it will show up as increased life force ,energy, hope, fulfillment of some wishes and many growth events opening up .Its going to make you light, cheerful and happy.

Expansion areas

Better work environment, end of stagnancy and opening up of growth possibilities at work place. This is good transit for career growth to resume again. So you can surely expect new jobs, rise in work, given you are ready to work for it. Business expansion is sure thing for those genuinely trying.

Its also better transit for financial growth. Inflow might not increase majorly but your wastages, excessive expenses and even losses will stop now. You will be able to preserve what you are earning. Its also good time to invest and grow your money.

Very good transit when it comes to mental relief, cheerfulness to come back. Your typical Gemini energy will make a return. Jupiter blesses you will new life force, happiness ,ease in thought process as many old pressures, tensions and blockages(both at internal and external level) ends.

Best transit to upgrade yourself. Jupiter will bless you with greater awareness, sharpener mind. Its finest time to learn something new. So you can certainly move towards higher education. Students will excel easily and self-learning will give you great joy and revelations. This is the most powerful transit for you when it comes to learning endlessly.

Best time to fall in love and take your relations ahead. Marriages are also possible if not contradicted by your individual charts. This is also the best transit for those looking to extent family, conceiving and birth of baby is seen in this transit.

Better relationships in general will flow .This is applicable to work ,home ,with friends etc. You will see many old friends coming back .So you are in limelight again and people will come looking for your Gemini energy.

Time is also good for travels, relocation, foreign travels and even migration, given your individual chart supports it.

Good health, bounce back from any setbacks ,health issues of past.

This can be one of the finest times for your Spiritual and overall comprehensive growth.

Challenges ahead

Jupiter is in blessing state and only challenge is need of hard work and genuine commitment. Jupiter will surely bless you ,its just that you need to do what’s expected.

Slight challenges can come in people relationships, but it will be due to hidden/neglected issues which you have to deal now.

Do not confuse challenges due to ongoing Saturn transit (Dhaiyaa).Jupiter transit is majorly blessing for you and whatever openings, blessing ,ease and success you see now is grace of Guru of Gods ,Jupiter.

What needs to be done

Stand up and chase your dreams. You have been put on hold, your patience has been brutally tested, but now its time that you will be seen, heard and counted. So with faith ,do your best without being disappointed by failures of past .Its indeed a new phase.

Grab all the chances coming your way. The essence of this transit is opening up of new possibilities ,new hopes, so you need to be aware and take chances ,say yes ,open up when needed.

One of the most critical lesson for you is not holding yourself back due to failures and setbacks of recent past. Your mind can be in haze, it can be blurred, you can lack motivation but its through faith that things will change. Do not limit yourself to past. Its important that you take each day with freshness without labeling it with past impressions.

Leaving old patterns, old beliefs and attachments is necessary now .You need to make space for the new.

Spiritual journey

This can be extremely rewarding time for genuine Spiritual aspirants. For those looking this can be time to take initiation, move to higher Sadhana. You can find your Guru, you can be blessed with Guru grace and several lessons ,realizations, wisdom will flow in your life continuously. Whole Universe is now with you, blessing you with immense knowledge. So sincere aspirants can literally expect magic. Rest ,in general as well this can be overwhelming transit when it comes to growth as a person ,moving ahead of past traumas and limitations. Your consciousness is going to see expansion like never before.

Heart of the matter :

Transit analysis is from Moon sign.

Jupiter remains in Aquarius approximately for year. From April 2021 to April 2022.Though in between it will again go back to Capricorn sign for approx. two months time, from mid-September to mid-November.

Very important to note that these patterns are of generic in nature .Actual results will vary due to individual charts, their own time patterns.


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