
Saturn transit to Aquarius : Impact on Taurus sign


Expansion areas

Lord Saturn is in mighty blessing position for Taurus sign. The essence for you is growth, stability, good health, firmness, wealth and wellbeing. Clarity in life and steady progress are yours now.

Changes in work life are clearly seen. If looking for, you will surely get desired job, rise, promotions. This transit assures that overall in this 2.5 years span, your career rises brilliantly .Its kind of phase which becomes memorable as growth opportunities flow in as expected and even beyond expectations at times .This is the time when you will see sharp rise in your work life .Phenomenal times for your work life.

Best time to take well thought risks, bold moves in career. You can surely move to new domain, can switch to business, can move to new business domain, can leave job and start your own venture if you have a good plan and will power. Saturn is here to support you.

Financially you are in very good place now and this transit is sure to raise your standards. You will earn huge and will save as well. The peak phase for you is between May 2022 to May 2023.Also this is strong time and gains from properties, real estate are seen. Help from family, getting inherited money, assets etc is also clearly seen for those eligible. Overall, your worth and wellbeing will rise.

For those willing to get married, this transit is surely helpful. Your family life will move to level next, you will resume higher duties, roles and family members will start to respect you as well. Your overall dominance and authority both will rise and you are seen to take control in family matter as well. Overall if you native this is the time when your personality will become dominant, mature and you are now ready to work at higher roles and take up mature decisions and play a central role in family decision making.

Time is also favourable for those looking to move to foreign lands. This is also a very good time which assures excellence in studies, in any creative work. Your mind is going to become fertile, you will get brilliant ideas about improving your life standards, your routine. Travel are seen as numerous, your people connections will rise hugely and its end of isolation phase completely. You will come across some really influential people who will help you, guide you and your past/new connections are surely going to play critical roles in your growth story. Now you have reached a level where all the cumulative past efforts, suffering and wisdom will manifest visibility in your life as abundance, connections, wealth and status.

The most desired change will come in your personality. You will become firm headed, will be able to see things clearly, will become grounded and will take many strong decisions. This transit will transform all of your past lessons, suffering ,hard work and intentions into reality, visible part of your personality .This means whatever you thought of doing, of becoming, you will become now. Saturn will bring your focus to present. The past has faded now and all there is Now and you will see clarity, peace, great focus, sincerity and growth in this transit.

Challenges ahead

Saturn needs you to work sincerely, not hard work or struggle, but only with sense of firmness and sincerity. So at times you can feel pressure, tight deadlines, huge workload, too much to achieve, impractical goals and sense of being burdened.

There can be health concerns of close family members, parents, spouse. Also some of the family level conflicts can take place and some old matter can become dominant. In deeper sense this Saturn will bring out anything that’s hidden deep in subconscious of family members and dormant thoughts ,feelings will become vocal. This can lead to fights, differences, coldness withing family atmosphere. This is also true for your love life. Marriage can face challenges as well.

You will also come actress difficult bosses, problems in work due to teammates, jealousy, work politics (but you will not be harmed now).So exposure to such negative people and circumstances is part of this transit. You can also face small hurdles and delays in task fulfilment, like in getting job, in process of foreign migration etc ,but only minor ones.

What needs to be done

Everyone has a dream life ,a dream personality towards which we work few times but desire it all the time. Now is the time to be that person. So now do what you have planned since ages. Its time to prove who you are, what you stand for .Its not just proving to others ,its mainly time to prove it to yourself, to create your identity ,to carve out a person you always wanted to be. Now is the time to act, act and just act. Walk the talk now, there isn’t scope for anything else. Prove it by doing.

In context of above point, with right action, there is literally noting that you cannot achieve. Be it good health ,strong personality, clarity of mind ,dream job, earning well, extending family, getting married, ending painful marriage/love relation for the better, getting into good shape, losing weight ,finding more connections, building right network, reading right books, inspiring others and what not ,the list goes on .The essence is that you can literally achieve or be anything you wanted. Its time to manifest. So make it happen now.

Remember Saturn’s blessings manifest gradually. This means this is no doubt a brilliant time for you, but pace of events can be slow. So don’t lose heart if you see slow speed of progress or minor hurdles. When Saturn is by your side, nothing can obstruct your path ,so remain filled with faith that things will work out in your favour only.

Spiritual journey

Saturn is all about karmic payback ,the Universal karmic judge. Very rarely does it blesses and frees a person to build a new life .You are in that rare segment now .It mean this transit is not at all meant to sit, learn, suffer in silence ,receive karmic setbacks or painful events for karmic balance (they can still occur if your individual time indicates so).So its your time to freely create a new life, a new personality, a new life order .There are no major karmic bondages. Such times are rare and should be cherished deeply by being the best version. Remain aware, don’t become casual, don’t become harsh on anyone and most importantly don’t develop sense of superiority in these blessed times. See how you can contribute in other’s lives through your abundance, wisdom and power .Its not the karmically heavy or Spiritual transit for you, but you should not leave the lessons learnt in life till now as well. Its time to demonstrate what you have learnt.

Heart of the matter

Saturn will stay in Aquarius between 29th April to 12 July in 2022.Saturn will then remain in Aquarius continually from 17 Jan 2023 to 29 March 2025.So applicability of these articles is in this time span.

These articles are based on Moon signs.

These articles are of generic nature. How actually results span out depends on individual time period pattern mainly.

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