
The Sunday Sip [ 25th - 31st Dec 2022 ]



Decent week for you, it brings you balance, progress in work, appreciation but minor issues, ego matters and fights will also be there. There can be trips. You need to work on your aggression, eating habits and generic routine which otherwise can crate many problems for you. Gains pattern is now open and will remain good for next few weeks .Use this week for improving your skills ,to meet family, friends and improve your relationships as well. Note that problems presenting through relationships will be opportunity for you to rectify your behaviour.


Mixed times for you. You need to be very disciplined in your lifestyle. You can face health issues, emotional upsets and mood swings very often. Do not change medication if going through. Changes, decisions brought in now might not lead to any significant relief .Trips pattern is on as well and on work front you can get impressive success and it’s a phase of new beginnings. Many of the stuck matters will move again. Financially you are now moving into very strong phase as well .So once you are healthy ,you will have plenty of things to look forward.


You will continue to remain very active and now patterns are showing mental activity to be at peak. You seem to be considering some major decisions and many of you will now undergo shifts in thought process, way of living, belief system and in your approach. This means its time that your life can change radically in next few weeks and this week will lay firm foundation for such pattern .Best what you can do is to trust yourself, your gut feeling and respect your conscience in totality.


You see some betterment in all aspects but your health, health of your family members, concerns about family and work life continues. This week has patterns of some trips, meeting family, friends and having fun too. You will pass through some fear ,panic situations as well which though would be temporary. Do not assume, do not trust every single thought that comes your way .Best what you can do now is to do your duties well and putting your conscious effort to live in positive way. Imagined fears, fears due to assumption or fears propagated by others can impact you often if you do not live consciously.


Time for intense action. This week sets patterns of rise in workload and expectations of others as well. You can feel tired often and your vitality can now decline .You need to put effort to have good health ,good energy levels .Eat well ,maintain good lifestyle and do not give your attention to every thing,you need to be selective now. As you move ahead in this week, you can feel lack of time and energy, so managing them well is only option for you. You can also see some differences, fights and ego issues which you need to handle gently.


Good week for you as it will bring a sense of calm ,balance and reduction in excess workload. Though now you are also prone for excess thoughts and negativity .You now need to work on some of your close relations, but with open heart .Your ego, close mindedness can present itself often, as a barrier. Avenues to learn, make your relations better and enjoy are now open. Make use of this time to bring people closer. This week can give you insight as to what is important, your ego, false pride or pure love of people who matter to you.


Good week for you and it brings you stability, many avenues to enjoy and love of people who matter to you. This week you will be able to realize importance of family, stability and thinking rationally .Now its perfect time to make necessary changes in your life style, take some financial or other family ,house related decisions. Gains are open ,you can make investments as well. Time is all good for you to enjoy with loved ones. Just make sure you are not exaggerating small issues .Learning to let go and not holding on to grudges is lesson for you now which will present though day to day activities and events.


Travel, fun and more exposure is in sight for you. You will experience breaking away of some boundaries and will gain new thought process. Time seems all good for investments ,for travelling, for meeting friends, family and shopping as well. Some disturbances can be felt in your work life where professional relations or other official issues can create tension ,but only for a while .Take care of your aggression and give people needed respect. Its fairly a good time for you, have fun but in responsible way.


Good times continue for you and with more joy now .This week brings a sense of collectiveness ,firmness of mind and happiness due to some family matters and ease in your life. Your health is looking good, state of mind calm and progress in life or some positive event in family life will cheer you up .At the moment there seems much to look forward. This is good time for investments, making family and work decisions. Just make sure you are not bothered much about risks, fears or beliefs of others .Live fearlessly, there is much to enjoy and look forward for sure.


This is a better week for you as it brings back balance. Health is now going to get stable, your finances will also get stability. Pattern of trips is still on but is now on decline. This is good time for work breakthroughs, for working on relationships and many of you can move into new relationships and/or old relations ,friendships ,bonds can become alive again. Learning avenues are open and you will certainly feel a sense of command in your life. Good time for almost any aspect given you do not loose ownership and do not give in to fears and negativity. Let past remain in past.


The phase of slowdown has set in now, though only partially. Now this week can bring severe mood swings and you can see minor to major issues at work and health of elders at home can need care .Some family issue ,issues with friends can bother you as well .In a very broader scheme of things, now your time is moving towards major shift which can mean in coming few weeks you can experience change of work, place change ,challenges in relationships and overall phase of transition where many aspects will undergo change. Stay honest to yourself and others.


You continue to pass through a productive phase. This week is about seeing results of your hard work and pending work moving ahead. Patterns of gains ,partnerships getting fruitful, meeting friends, family and higher flow of money is on now. This is also the time when you can get new work opportunities and trips as well. So a very constructive time for given you are not stuck in past or with someone destructive .Unplug yourself from people, situation and memories which are now rotten. You really need this inner shift to see things clearly.