
Year 2024 for Sagittarius Moon sign


Expansion areas

This year does have good achievements, expansion though available only if you are well prepared, very conscious and determined.

Career changes are less likely but can happen with intense effort. Rise in work is possible. You can receive more appreciation and people support. Better trends in the year are available mainly till initial 5 months.

Financially this seems a decent time with opportunities to earn, save present in entire year. Money growth is slow but certain this year.

This is still a good year to plan family, child birth is possible .Also travels can come as many. This is also brilliant year for your personal ,Spiritual growth where you will learn a lot and become wiser Those looking for foreign migration can get success easily.

This is very good year for students, any one in learning process. Skill upgradation, learning new things ,improving yourself, gaining more knowledge is key highlight of this year .This is more of a year where you will have to upgrade yourself, get back to learning in some form. Directly desiring growth, success ,career rise might not be possible. Also aspect of improvement also links to betterment in family life, finances as well. So the very key essence of this year is need to learn, re learn, improve, organize in order to grow.

Challenges ahead

As you move ahead, year will become sluggish, fill and growth possibilities will become slow to come. This means challenges will rise as you move in the year.

Career matters can become challenging. Higher workload, possible tensions at work, even work breaks ,loss of job is possible. Career can pass through a phase of stagnation, question mark as well. This is mainly applicable towards second half of year.

Your health now needs care. Health issues ,both physical and mental can come. You need very proactive approach now to remain healthy .Effort is needed, you cannot simply sit and expect to be in good shape .If your individual chart shows weak time ,some major treatments can get started.

Challenges in personal relationships, family life are also seen in this year. This is however subjected to your personal chart .So if your own chart shows possibilities of problems in this area ,this year can activate it .Disputes with loved ones ,decline of people support, patterns of isolation can set in in this year.

How to ensure success

There is much you need to do. As you move ahead, patterns will become dull and energy ,enthusiasm content can decline .This means the most important aspect now is to ignite inner fire and motivate yourself every day .This is the year when you will have to work on self immensely in order to grow ,move ahead. So the very critical lesson for you is to commit to make life better and it will need conscious engagement, total commitment and leaving excuses all together.

Take charge of your diet, routine .This year you need to bring necessary life style changes necessarily. This means being in command when it comes to eating ,sleeping ,in your schedule .Nothing should be random .If you allow your mood to take in charge ,if you work in victim mentality ,things can become very messed up quickly.

Key for you is understanding that there is no one coming to rescue you .This is not a bad year, it only demands ownership, responsibility from you .If you keep looking for someone, something ,or remain in victim mentality or in blame games ,then you are sure to lose it all. The key for you is taking end to end ownership ,accepting mistakes ,committing to work hard and understanding its your life ,you will have to work for it.

Key essence

Year starts on high, possibilities to grow ,learn are very strong. It can become dull, slow as you move ahead and need to take accountability will grow louder. Nothing substantial can be achieved or maintained this year unless you decide to be in charge, unless you accept that its your life and no one and nothing is to be blamed .This year simply demands accountability from you, the one that comes genuine from the heart ,not forced, not the one arising out of victim mentality. You can still make it big if you stay patient, hard working and responsible for your life. There are no free lunches.

Heart of the matter:

These articles are primarily based on Moon signs.

These are very genetic in nature and all the positive/challenging events mentioned will only manifest if your personal time is indicating it strongly.

Your individual chart and time period that you are going in holds the primary key .These articles are written based on generic transits ,hence only shows broader possibilities.


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