
Jupiter transit to Taurus : Impact on Leo sign


Expansion areas

This Jupiter transit allows you to increase your assets. Very good time to buy home ,invest in properties, lands etc .Also gains can come via selling old properties. Buying vehicles and investing long term is also seen.

Wealth will rise gradually. This transit is good when it comes to slow but steady rise in your earnings, savings. You can also gain via inheritance and help from family can come in very strong way.

Good transit for increase in family level harmony and many of the misunderstandings within family will fade .This is time when you will feel the closeness and security and old grudges with family members will fall .It won’t be wrong to say that you will realize true importance of loved ones in this transit tenure.

Very good time to focus on health matters. This transit will bring your attention to neglected health area. This can come via some health issue or it can be due to your desire to focus on self and make health a priority again. This will lead to better physical and mental health. The core essence however is knowing where you stand, what your body, mind needs and what changes you need to bring in your routine. So this transit will invoke highest possible level of awareness in you.

Challenges ahead

There are few challenges as well, but in moderate form, though the pace of events is main aspect which can frustrate you.

Your career can go through stagnation, forced or sudden changes can come .You can be needed to change jobs due to come compulsions as well. Note that job changes can also accompany place change. So relocation is strong pattern now. Average transit for career matters initially but it will take you to better state finally.

You will have to face higher responsibilities at home. This means feeling pressure, both at work and family life, so you can feel as if life has been unfair and you have to deal with so many things at same time. This also means that many of your past unattended duties, tasks will demand undivided attention now.

Legal matters, past health issues can surface in full form which can create tensions. This transit can also take intense test of your patience as many things will demand your attention at same time .Core essence of challenges is dealing with old matters ,new issues/plans ,health challenges, career lows and family demands at the same time.

What needs to be done

You will have to face consequences of actions done in past. There is no escape now. This applies to all areas. Also challenges can appear due to new intentions as well, so this transit is actually about tolerating pain, making sacrifices and doing the right thing to reach your goals. Jupiter for you will bring ground reality and you will have to face it .So you need to come to terms with reality. If you want something, there is price for it.

Its time for you to get deeply practical and real. Imaginary goals, half-hearted efforts will bring suffering now  .Legal matters if any will also need acceptance of mistakes and tolerating some losses in order to close the chapter.

Spiritual journey

There is not much in here when it comes to Spiritual life. This transit is extremely energy sucking for you as you will find yourself in place where so many tasks are opened and nothing is getting closed soon. Learning ,personal evolution ,Spiritual practices seems to take back seat now ,which is absolutely fine till you sort your basics well.

Heart of the matter

Jupiter will remain in Taurus sign from 1st May 2024 to 14th May 2025.

These articles are applicable mainly from Moon signs.

These articles are of generic nature. How actually it spans out will depend on your individual charts and time. These articles represent broader scheme of things.

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