
The Sunday Sip [ 28th April - 4th May 2024 ]



There are lot of fluctuations in this week as well but then with fresh energy ,hope and motivation as well .Now its time to think beyond your limitations. This week sets tone to learn new things, look for solutions of your problems. You have spent good amount of time in problem situations, thinking ,over analysing them, now is time to move ahead and take yourself to level next. Better work opportunities are on the way and given you are ready to do whats needed, your career is all set to move to new heights. This seems time to bring some fundamental changes in and around you.


Your test of patience, test of values and consistency seems to continue and rise higher in this week. This means you will have to work with highest level of ethics now as you are highly prone to make mistakes .It would be best to take a small pause and evaluate what matters to you ,what are your priorities which will help you choose things well. This week has many conflicting situations which can test your ethics in fundamental manner. More than pain and pleasure, now it seems more about who you are. You will be faced with two choices, either to accept how it is or take it as challenge to raise your standards.


This week will need you to stay very committed to your goals as mood swings, family responsibilities etc will keep you diverted a lot. Though on better note, you are sure to get better awareness, more focus now. For many of you this can be the time to let go of some habits, person or memories finally creating much needed space for future growth. The best what you can do now is to turn yourself completely towards future, work hard in present and try to explore your potential to the fullest. These are the times which seems very interesting when it comes to raising your work and financial status both.


This week can test your presence of mind and patience levels both .Hectic schedule, plans getting changed, facing delays ,many small hurdles etc is seen now .Though the good part is that you will be able to handle all with your skills. Career matters are now going to get better after a phase of turmoil. All you need is keep doing the right thing irrespective of whether you are seeing immediate results or not .Just have this belief that your all the good work will not get lost. Exciting times are ahead if you keep calm and stay consistent in your efforts.


This week shows some pleasant trips, rise in confidence, some happy experiences in family life, with friends and good people support. You will find many of tasks getting completed by help of people around you.Your consciousness will expand and its also good time to gain new skills .In broader sense this is time when you will experience contrasts, which also includes some disappointing ones .Take care of your health, this is extremely critical else it can derail all of your other plans. Its time to get very strict with your diet.


Work patterns get complex with possibilities for setbacks, work politics rising at peak. Also your health seems prone for setbacks.  This is time when you need to remain very alert as you can make mistakes in hurry, being impulsive and careless. Do not underestimate anyone ,remain humble and always think of long term impact of your decisions. Relationships area specially need your mature approach .Patterns of trips is now opening up as well .Time is excellent to upgrade yourself ,to learn new ways of doing things and new skills.


This seems a good time for you as it will give you good energy  ,motivation .Trips patterns is also on. Though you can feel restricted in certain ways. Be it delays from work, minor health concerns ,challenges in family or work complications ,something or other will keep pushing you back, though you will always make a comeback. This is time when your will power, intention can make you do wonders .So do not give in to small upsets, give more power to your self belief. Do not neglect health and seemingly unimportant matters at workplace, both could assume bigger form quickly.  


You will still feel lot of pressure, see delays and many changes in your plans .Though at bigger level this is start of better times for you .Now is time for you to make long-term plans. Time seems excellent for learning new skills and looking ahead. There are mistakes, delays, some major disappointments in your recent past but now this week can change patterns in gradual way. Best what you can do is to see long term relevance in things .If you can remain in mindset of how I can improve, on solution oriented, then you will feel immensely light and hopeful.


You can see more delays ,more upsets and more importantly, more messed up mindset. Now its extremely important for you to know your priorities very clearly. Also it is highly critical  not to get into victim mentality. No one is going to come to save you, you will have to wake up to reality and do whats needed without getting into cycle of endless grudges. Take ownership, be responsible for your health, what you do and speak .If something is important to you, you have to think, speak and act in accordance to that. No place for procrastination or self defeating thinking patterns.  


This week shows improvement in many areas. Trips patterns is on ,you will see better health ,ease in family atmosphere but pressure situations can still come very often .The best part now is rise in your desire to tackle things. You will get timely guidance, resources as well .There can also be need to learn some new skills or upgrade yourself in certain ways. This also means that for better inner peace and progress, you can be required to accept your mistakes .Flexibility is key for you. Think long term and work keeping your ego aside.


This week is showing good amount of fun ,indulging in many pleasure activities, having fun ,going on trips and experiencing new things .On broader level now is time when you will have to let go of some aspects .This also means moving ahead and this week in silent form is paving way for new patterns in your life about relationships  ,work and emotional health. Now it becomes necessary for you to think level next and upgrade yourself if needed. Growth now is possible only when you let go ,take balanced risks and do not remain rigidly attached to your comfort zone.


This week brings hope and fresh patterns in your life. Now your finances and work state is all set to improve in times ahead and this week lays the foundation silently .You can feel more hopeful, some of the past issues can move towards resolution and your health also looks seemingly better .There is still lot to be done when it comes doing whats needed, getting to terms with reality and letting go of some of the limiting beliefs and past impressions.