
Change Fear and Transformation

We often hear, write, even decorate our ‘status’ over social networking sites with famous quotes, but real  understanding comes only when we actually pass through any event pertaining to it, that too with a receptive consciousness. Change is one such a thing, which is simple to talk about, but hard to live by and comprehend.

Mind have a tendency to cling to situations, things and person which make any change appear like a monster. But irrespective of our fears and frog in a well mentality, changes do occur, sometimes by the powerful gust of destiny, proving the theory of fate, and sometimes by our sheer hard work and unwavering Intent, justifying the existence of free will too.
 Looking from the perspective of planetary indications, change can be judged with extreme accuracy seeing the natal chart and Dasha patterns along with transits.
The junction between the ending of one major time period and staring of a new one signifies beginning of a new phase in one’s life. Then there are minor changes, which we are more used to, these are actually the sub periods of different planetary forces, called as Antar Dashas.Further finer breakdown give us the pattern which last typically for few months, and is known as Pratyantar dasha in Vedic astrology.
 Change of a Dasha from functional malefic (difficult planet for a chart) to functional benefic (good planet for a chart) generally presents the change one aspiring for, these are the times when change do feel like a cool breeze and life gets a makeover. The opposite i.e dasha change from benefic to malefic are the times when our greatest fears come to the fore. Such periods are often challenging and generally hide some Karmic debt within their sleeves.
 Events which make their impact for a very shorter duration are generally ‘Sookhsma Dasha’ periods. Example can be a sudden century from an ‘out of form’ cricketer under the favourable sookshma dasha planetary influence. There are further shorter versions of dashas, but their true impact becomes more applicable in Spiritual rather than our regular mundane world.
 Not to forget the transitory influences of Saturn and Jupiter. Saturn is a mighty being who generally gives long term patterns of 2.5-3 years in a go, while the blessing Guru Jupiter has a shorter version of around 1 year ,both very strong in nature. Movement of other planets do have impact on our psyche and day to day events, but duration and impact generally is quite less .For example, the transit of Mars and its relationship with Moon has precise control over menses occurring in females.
 Whatever be the nature of change and it’s behind the scene cause, comprehending any event, especially the ones tough to deal with, generally bring change in our fundamentals about the life itself. 
The day we start appreciating the cause behind any event, transformation occurs, and everything seems to be in line for our growth and evolution.

(c) Copyright 2013 Vaibhav Gupta