
Spark of Divinity and Quest for Wisdom and Liberation - 1

We are born with impulses to learn and grow,the seeds are present in each being, and when the right time appears ,flower blossoms .Every soul has inbuilt desire to experience various contrasts and acquire prosperity and wealth.However the whole game of existence seems to have much interest in how an individual learn the lesson provided by events and move a step ahead in process of evolution.

Once the quest for finding Higher Truths of life begins, it’s a continuous journey then.
The journey of Self-discovery is rather an arduous one and often one gets muddled in worldliness, but the ‘Samskaars’ i.e the charterstics gained from learning are never lost and remain intact in casual body .Here It will be apt to quote the question that Arjun ,the hero from Mahabharata ,posed in front of Lord Krishna (Bhagvad Gita 6-37)

Arjuna said:

“O Kṛṣṇa, what is the destination of the unsuccessful transcendentalist, who in the beginning takes to the process of self-realization with faith but who later desists due to worldly-mindedness and thus does not attain perfection in mysticism?

O mighty-armed Kṛṣṇa, does not such a man, who is bewildered from the path of transcendence, fall away from both spiritual and material success and perish like a riven cloud, with no position in any sphere?”

Lord Krsna replied :

“Son of Pṛthā, a transcendentalist engaged in auspicious activities does not meet with destruction either in this world or in the spiritual world; one who does good, My friend, is never overcome by evil.
The unsuccessful yogī, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of righteous people, or into a family of rich aristocracy.

Or [if unsuccessful after long practice of yoga] he takes his birth in a family of transcendentalists who are surely great in wisdom. Certainly, such a birth is rare in this world.

On taking such a birth, he revives the divine consciousness of his previous life, and he again tries to make further progress in order to achieve complete success, O son of Kuru.

By virtue of the divine consciousness of his previous life, he automatically becomes attracted to the yogic principles — even without seeking them. Such an inquisitive transcendentalist stands always above the ritualistic principles of the scriptures.”

After the assurance from Lord Himself ,it will be correct to say that learning and Self discovery is a continuous process and knowledge attained is never lost.

When an individual has urge to explore the unknown and crave for knowledge and Supreme ,such desires show up quite well by placement of planets and special combinations .Such Souls upon regaining their consciousness of Spiritual thirst ,began their quest again in present birth .In next part we will explore and discuss the combination which shows the desire in a soul to reach for Ultimate Truth.Such yogas are though rare ,shows tremendous blessing of the Divine in life of an individual.

For Part 2:
 Spark of Divinity and Quest for Wisdom and Liberation - 1

(c) Copyright 2013 Vaibhav Gupta