
Moon in 6th House

Sixth house Moon becomes extremely sensitive and patterns are visible in physical as well as in mental domains. Though fluctuating moods and jumping on to different issues is inherent nature of Moon ,this pattern becomes more vehement in sixth house .Such persons become overly sensitive to slightest of pain and pleasure and exaggeration of facts becomes part of their nature .Their health is also a issue of concern as their immune system become quite prone.

For these people It is extremely important to get emotionally involved in the work they do .They feel it is part of their job to provide best service .Such people are very conscious about the possibility of Self improvement and are continuously involved in such fields which offer development of latent faculties .If Moon gets support from benefic plants or else planets having Spiritual traits in them then such natives can get initiated into higher knowledge .In this case person will get attracted towards religious rituals and might even get involved in tantric traditions .To them path of ‘Shakti’ ,the female Goddesses offers huge potential .In many of cases where genuine aspiration is present, such Moon can give deep interest in Meditation ,Yoga and other similar branches which leads to illumination.

Though the real behavior of Moon will largely depend upon the aspects It is receiving ,in case where Moon do not get any beneficial aspects, it can make one critical to feedback of any kind .Such people are generally hesitant to accept even most positive feedback .They tend to justify their emotions and current state a lot .In initial years of their life they are either physical weak and even victims of inferiority complex of some sort.

Moon in sixth house is quite sensitive point in a chart and till holistic picture is derived from interrelationship of all planets with respect to it, any sort of conclusion should not be made.In general such people need immense support on emotional as well as on physical level to move ahead in their journey of life.

 Please Click for Moon  in Other Houses:

1st House | 2nd House | 3rd House | 4th House | 5th House | 6th House
7th House | 8th House | 9th House | 10th House | 11th House | 12th House 

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