
Ocean of Glory or fleeting mirage: An impartial view of Gaja Kesari Yoga - 1

Emily Dickinson in her one of the composition described the essence of Fame so beautifully:

Fame is a bee,
It has a song
It has a sting
Ah, too, it has a wing!

Fame ,glory and everlasting prosperity are pursued by many ,but to sustain this ‘success’ will require real strength of character and presence of true idealism. Position of planets at birth indicate the potential of Soul to acquire mundane and Spiritual heights .One of the most famous and prestigious combination mentioned in classical texts is Gaja kesari yoga,which is praised all around and is considered one of the finest planetary configuration to be born in.
Gaja kesari yoga is formed primarily by Moon and Jupiter , and out of these two importance Guru of Gods ,Jupiter holds supreme importance. So Gaja kesari yoga will be formed when:

1.Jupiter is in Kendra from Moon,i.e Jupiter in 1st,4th,7th and 10th from Moon.
2.There is another sect of believers according to whom Gaja kesari is also formed when Jupiter is in Kendra from Lagna also.

Now to get a feel of this yoga, first dissect the term itself ,Gaja is actually Sanskrit word for Elephant and Kesari is for Lion .Elephant is intimately connected to Jupiter in mythology , being the symbolic representation of Wisdom,grace and subtle intellect. Lion on other hand do not need any mention about his positive qualities .So this yoga can be seen as a beautiful blend of positive qualities of both Lion like courage in the face of adversity ,immense charm and authority and from elephant it derives the silent characteristics like that of grace, intellect and magnanimity. Now lets see what are the classical attributes of this yoga:

One will be scholar ,wise, famous and very prosperous. Such persons will be favourite of kings, which in contemporary times should be interpreted that such people will be placed at authorative  position in their life. Jupiter being the planet of idealism and hope ,such people are believed to have high moral values and their lives are example of Spirited and enthusiastic way of living. Also in many classical texts much wealth is indicated due to this yoga. Another widely believed and time tested fact about this yoga is that one born in this combination will have lasting fame even after he departs from this mortal world.

There is however a mad rush seen in majority of astrologers to jump to a flowery conclusion upon seeing this yoga in chart of an individual .Does Gaja kesari yoga always gives the attributes as described in classical texts? To answer this question, is indeed the motto of this piece of article and will actually need careful examination of health and state of Moon and Jupiter in chart, also we need to check the strength of Lagna lord and also the pattern of timeperiod, i.e Mahadasa in one’s life.

Before coming on to some conclusion we need to check below points ,invariably to establish the impartial and most accurate  view of Gaja kesari yoga :

1.State of Jupiter .Check which house it rules .In an ascendant where it rules difficult houses like that of 6th or 12th,texture of this yoga is bound to get changed .This applies to Moon also, its ownership is also of paramount importance.

2. How this Jupiter forms a relationship with other planets in chart? We need to check if Saturn, Mars or Rahu are modifying qualities of Jupiter by aspect or conjunction .Twist is to see if we are dealing with an ascendant where Saturn/Mars becomes yogakarka ,i.e the most fruitful planet.

3. Retrograde Jupiter will modify the intensity and in some cases, even alter its basic structure of this yoga .So retrogression of Jupiter should be checked.

4. After checking which house actually Moon rules ,we should see if we it has support of planets on its either side .If both back and front houses from Moon are empty then Moon is believed to loose its strength considerably. This is called as Kendruma Yoga in classical texts. Gaja kesari formed with Moon in Kendruma yoga is bound to give tainted results , sometimes very opposite to what are muted in standard texts.

5. Relationship of Moon with other planets must always be checked .Difficult aspects or conjunction with Saturn ,Mars or Rahu will degrade the quality of results.

6. The states of Moon and Jupiter with respect to sings is very important .Exalted Moon or Jupiter is always a desired feature. Moon gets exalted in Taurus and Jupiter in Cancer ,so at a time only one of these planets can be exalted .Signs do play important role in deciding fabric of this yoga. Debilitated Jupiter or Moon decreases the power of this yoga which is quite logical.

7. To dive deeper in ascertaining the quality of this yoga we can further check if Moon/Jupiter are placed in Mrityubhaga or Gandanta .Degress of both these planets should also be checked ,as lying in later part of sign like 29.97 can make them weak in power, but the twist comes when the ascendant also lies in the later part of some sign.

8. Another very important aspect is to check whether any or both of these planets is Vargottam i.e whether it has got same sign in Navmansa too. This will invariably increase the brightness of this yoga.

9 .Does same Gaja kesari Yoga repeat in Navmansa too? If yes ,then there are reasons to smile, in bounty.

10.The houses where this yoga forms is infact the most important of all.Note how the flavour changes from Kendra to Trikona to the ones formed in difficult houses likes 6th or 8th and even 12th .

Depending on how the states of these two planets are, this yoga can give glory as well as can become the reason for gloom .In next part we will examine charts of personalities who have this yoga ,and see how it has contributed in their story of success or have left them broken and desperate looking heaven wards and gradually turning towards something more beautiful and perennial.

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