
Mars in 1st house

A large army is marching ahead with full enthusiasm to destroy its enemy and win its territory back, but the leader has not yet joined .As the day progressed ,slowly the group begin to feel undirected as individualism gradually overpowered the consciousness of mass. Energy drops and focus is lost, along with the way .Soon they found themselves lost with half of army men diverted in wrong direction. Entropy increases, so does the feeling of despair .In that moment ,those standing at the back begin to turn their heads around, as voice of some storm hit their eardrums .One by one, like a wave, all stood up firm and looked back in bewilderedness ,which in a moment brought spark in their eyes .Yes the commander has arrived.
 Steering all through  the huddle of army men, commander now stands in the front and raises his hand in gust symbolizing the desire to establish authority .The army men felt alive once again, focus regained, eyes shining with vision of glory which they dream to make their own, forever. Yes the drive to win & achieve is back. Mars has arrived with all of its dynamo.

 The feeling of army men when their leader arrives, refueling them with zeal to fight typically represents the Mars situated in first house of a chart. This is a situation when fuel is already present in bounty in individual, and just a spark is needed .It seems too obvious to jump on to the conclusion that these people should be highly action oriented and achievers, while this holds true in many cases ,the real essence of Mars in first house is its ability to bring a electric spark on the sight of new plan. These people actually feel alive when a new thought hit their minds about beginning a new task ,how much they are able to sustain it will directly depend on the state of this planet and its relationship with others in chart. They love to get started and follow some definitive plan. For them pondering over some issues for long time do not hold appeal, rather they believe in doing part. Now here comes the role of the sign in which its placed, accordingly Mars will be able to utilize its potential in first house. Such people have enormous amounts of energy available to them which never seems to get exhausted, with a flavor of restless visible on their face.

Working under someone would make them feel miserable, and when Mars is posited in power ,leaders are born. In more deeper sense they are driven by the desire to establish their supremacy, somehow they just feel that they have some extra edge over others ,their instincts often whisper this to them. Sometimes this might lead make their egos quite swollen ,leading to issue of un acceptance by many. Maanglik dosh or Kuja dosh as prescribed in classics actually have its root in same fact, they remain attached to their own viewpoint quite strongly and often do not realize that they are actually giving less space to accommodate others ideologies, resulting in personality clashes.

 They are extroverts in most of the cases. Announce the plan to go on a trekking or river rafting or car racing, and notice the spark in their eyes! They love to explore, and when appropriate factors are present ,Inner side too .Mars in its most subtle sense presents the Universal Dynamo which generates tons of energy, and as per its position in one’s chart, a portion of it gets accessible to us. This planet loves to battle and achieve. Those born with this placement are indeed the blessed ones as it clearly shows how nature has carved out an achiever Soul.

For other Houses,Mars in Houses
        11th House | 12th House

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