
Timing of Marriage and Vedic Astrology

Vedic astrology gives clear and strong clues about the probable timings of marriage as seen in one’s chart.There are multiple rules that can be stated and which can be tested with high degree of replication. Here in brief lets discuss the time tested principles whose replication rate is quite high in context of giving marriage.

1.First and foremost is the time period of planets related to 7th house or of a planet who is actually the 7th lord in lagna chart. Antardasha i.e sub period of such planet generally sees one getting married. These points needs further elaboration. Planet who is 7th lord is fine, but planets who aspect 7th house,or who are making relation with 7th lord(by either aspecting or by conjunction) are also fully capable of giving marriage in their dashas. Planets who are in nakshtras of 7th lord also become potentially good for such event.

2.The time period of Lagna lord i.e 1st lord is also very important. Whenever lagna lord sits in healthy state in chart, all kinds of good events can be expected during its major or sub periods.

3.Navmansa i.e D-9 chart assumes great importance here. We need to see planets related to 1st /7th house in D-9 chart. Rules are exactly similar to above two. The importance of Navmansa in context of marriage is huge and if patterns seems to repeat in this chart( with patterns present in D-1 chart) then those combinations almost becomes a certainty, and on subtler levels shows predestination ,owing to our own Karmic debts.

4.The role of mighty planets Saturn and Jupiter is of paramount importance. They prove the age old saying that slow and steady wins the race. In transit whenever these two planets aspects or come in 1st or/and 7th house or 1st lord or/and 7th lord, or through their aspect activate these houses, important events can be expected, and if such transit is also accompanied by proper dasha in one’s chart, marriage can be expected with great certainty. Transiting Saturn and Jupiter influencing natal 7th lord is another important factor which needs to be seen. We will see their roles in details when we will examine some of the example charts.

5.Analysing chart from Jaimini system also gives interesting clues. Darakarka(DK) i.e planet having lowest degree in chart holds the key here. In terms of time period, dasha of either 7th or 1st house from Lagna chart or from Karkaamsha Chart (KL).Dashas of signs falling over these houses has to be checked. Also signs aspected or occupied by DK also become capable of giving marriage during their time periods.In more advanced methods use of signs where Darakarka lies in D-9 chart should be seen,called as Dara Karka Navmansa.Uppada and pada of 7th house should also be used.

6.Sub periods(Antardasha) of Rahu and Venus hold potential for giving marriage irrespective of their lordship in chart,hence should be seen in the context of suitable age.
Moreover its important to keep in mind the constraint of society and prevalent beliefs before reaching to the conclusion on timing of marriage.

Lets see some of the examples chart to witness the applicability of these principles.First chart discussed here is of Indira Gandhi.She got married on 26th March 1942.Given below are details:

Lets see the applicability of above principles to her chart.On March 26,1942,she was passing through Rahu-Saturn-Saturn.Rahu is often seen to give marriage in its period and Saturn is infact the 7th lord in her chart,which clearly proves the role of 7th house lord in terms of vimshottari dasa.

In 1942 both Saturn and Jupiter were transiting in Taurus.If we put both these planets in her natal chart in Taurus then at the time of her marriage Jupiter was aspecting 7th house.Saturn aspects natal 7th lord (Saturn) from 11tth house.So in transit Saturn aspects natal 7th lord and Jupiter aspects 7th house,giving clear hints about arrival of time of marriage.

Char dasa was of Pisces –Gemini,which actually do not fulfill conditions here.

So we have seen how in Indira Gandhi’s chart marriage time was clearly visible through application of vimshottari dasa and by using transit of mighty planets Saturn and Jupiter.
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