
Mars in 5th house

The house of our inner joy ,the house which tell us the avenues where we will find our minds hooked up, when occupied by Mars ,what are its manifestations? Lets see. Mars when placed in fifth house shows a personality whose thoughts and action shows disconnect at many levels. Such people show immense creativity irrespective of their age, but there is always a fine line between innocence and childishness. Degrees of planets occupying any house should be checked with respect to the degrees of ascendant. If Mars is deeply conjunct with fifth house ,then such personalities shows random thought patterns .Mars is all about energy related to actual manifestation and fifth house in its essence is of deep pondering, thought domain ,and we see immediate disconnect between these two aspects, which indeed can be seen in these people. This placement often gives love for sports and other athletic activities ,where you satisfy your inner instincts by giving outlet to tremendous energy lying inside .Whenever we are dealing with Mars, a comparison with Mercurian impact would clearly bring the true picture with the help of contrast.

 On subtler levels ,these people remain vulnerable to get influenced by others .How actually their thinking patterns will evolve will depend on overall fabric of the chart and relationship of this Mars with other planets. Generally these people carry suppressed anger deep within themselves whose expression often turns violent at times. Articulation is something which they need to learn when it comes to convey their feelings. If Mars receives aspects from difficult planets ,then such persons often become sarcastic in their approach and suffer internally themselves. This position also shows proneness to health issues and such people cannot afford to live with unorganized eating habits.

When Mars sits in power in fifth house then such people can become store house of tremendous grit. Their company will be desired and in times of adversity and dark their courage becomes the guiding light .Such traits often makes them dependable beings .In such conditions they achieve a commanding positions in their lives, as high status and dignity is promised when Mars is under positive influence .Relationship of Mars with Moon and Sun should be checked to judge the channelization of energy. In relationships they like to be pretty straight forward and playful. Ego issues can hamper the development of peaceful personal relationships at times, owing to their impulsive outbursts as aggression becomes part of their personalities as they grow up.

Its important to judge the state of this Mars, as if under difficult influence ,it might throw one in pursuit of power and lust, whose driving force is thought deeply embedded in subconscious mind to establish authority over others. Such Mars can make one highly ambitious ,or else such persons might be too submissive, yes the pattern shown by fifth house Mars can vary drastically ,and in general when dealing with strong planets ,interrelationship with other planets ,sign falling over ascendant and fifth house and its state in Divisional chart, particularly Navmana should be invariably checked. On larger perspective role of each planet is to bring us close to Higher Self and depending upon the inherent characteristics of planet ,routes of our lives are decided. Speaking in very general sense ,sometimes placement of such Mars can delay or even deny some of the aspects of our life like the progeny, one might feel restrictions in terms of body or else there might be some deeply rooted pain owing to failed relationships, its hard to believe on the face but all such events spur from our own Karmic debts and have a single aim : to help us in our own journey towards perfection.

For other Houses,Mars in Houses
        11th House | 12th House

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