
Venus in 2nd house

The second house, traditionally has been associated with wealth and in fact it is the most important aspect of this house .To be born under Venus placed in second house is indeed a blessed configuration .Its easy and quite obvious to comprehend that when place associated with wealth ,virtues and our belongings gets a healthy Venus, it is bound to rejoice. Lets explore some of the most important aspects of this placement, both materially and its deeper significance.

 Venus in second house is like honey topping on your cake. The individuals having this position of Venus are found to be peace loving, balanced and extremely soft spoken .We need to always keep in mind that result of any planetary placement should never be seen in isolation and plus we need to see how this planet is placed (in which sign) and how it receives aspects of other planet. When Venus is strong, i.e in signs where it find itself comfortable like Taurus, Libra ,Pisces, Gemini and Aquarius specially and is not afflicted by aspects or conjunctions from functional malefics for the chart, such Venus becomes healthy and capable of giving auspicious results. Good Venus here gives peaceful and soothing speaking skills and such persons know when to speak what ,their words have healing effect and leave long lasting impact .However often their motive revolves around themselves only ,its not that these individuals are Selfish ,rather they become Self-centered, much concerned about Self growth .Under positive influence of Venus ,they earn huge and amass great amount of wealth in their lives. Physically they emit charm and vibrations of peace ,their face is generally very expressive and beautiful too. Beauty however more than being physical , is deeply infused in their behavior and personas. They are peace loving and non violent individuals ,unless others planets do not overpower it to alter its tendencies.

On deeper levels this Venus signifies deep bond of attachment. They have so many strings attached, they are very protective about their families and in fact their love for them is exemplary. They feel great pull of material comforts, and are often found to be engaged restlessly in pursuit of money ,fame and ambition. However their approach is slow and tender. On the face they look calm and composed, but inside they boil with great desires. Esoterically this can indicate a Soul who will choose refined people ,things and experiences for evolving. A Soul who needs to experience lot of indulgences, filtered through their own egos to step up. The three Gunas of nature are Sattwa, the Absolute purity, Rajas, the material impulse and Tamas, the dark, dull and ignorance. Strong Venus here generally have strong Rajsik impulses ,these individuals are generally concerned with amassing wealth, developing finer skills and take great joy in choosing and showing off their well defined and strong taste for music ,food, people and almost all aspects of human existence.If Spiritual tendencies are present in individual then this Venus can help one to stay grounded and devote honest efforts in various practices for evolution .Irrespective of its impulse ,this is quite beautiful and desired location for Venus ,where one can expect fulfilling experiences and a rewarding life.

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