
Venus in 3rd house

Beauty of Venus is that if it has got sufficient amount of strength in chart then where it is located doesn’t matter too much ,it has power to do good in almost all houses and according to the house it gets, its results get modified ,rather it get influenced through tendencies of a particular house .Third house as we know is the house for our immediate surroundings and relates to out talents ,out initiatives for bringing out them and about our relations with people whom we meet in our endeavors. The people whom we engage on very first level in our surroundings are our siblings, which is important aspect of this house. Venus when placed in third  house of a chart can be an asset to the chart. Before we jump on to manifestation of Venus in this house, its better to pause and think ,what does actually Venus means? What are its natural impulses? Venus, since ages and across the world in various mythologies has been intimately connected with all things which relates to beautification. On outer level it may manifest in desire to look good, eat good ,dress good, and good has its own definition according to the society we live in, in addition to personal beliefs formed through distinct styles of upbringing. In more deeper sense, internally this Venus is desire to feel and experience the world in most artistic and articulative way. Venus is an urge to go through life experiences all riches, and getting as expressive and classy as you can .Its like taking the most beautiful route for your destination. Venus signifies a store house of talents too, which actually flourish so well in expressive houses .Coming back to our main subject, now lets see what are the generic results of Venus in third house.

Venus placed here will sync so well with inherent tendencies of this house. Third house deals what talents we have and how they surface in our lives. Well placed and healthy Venus promotes development of fine talents within one, and when it happens in third house, result can be individuals with refined taste for dance or singing. Dance as well as singing can really become important part of one’s life and even successful careers can be build on these. In absence of sufficient support from other planets, at least strong desire to really enjoy and get completely engrossed in music, classic/modern dances will be present in one .Taste in writing/listening poetry can also arise ,and if supportive fifth house is present, one can expect to do good as authors/poets. Right from childhood these people begin to show distinct desire to learn and display various talents, some may paint very beautiful, some may take up dancing class lessons, some child might get attracted towards playing musical instruments and alike, the essence here is that apart from usual routine life ,one will have strong impulses within to get engaged in something really creative, and generally motive is honest, to satisfy the inner urge and thirst.

Venus here gives extremely well balanced and diplomatic oratory skills. Such people know how to crack a deal through persuasion. Due to their very impressing speaking abilities infused with humor and wit, they are loved by almost all and their company is much sought after. Under impact of positive Venus ,at home their bonding with their brothers/sisters is very harmonious and they gel up very well. People with powerful Venus in third house have blessing of Almighty ,which is visible in the way destiny favors them at various point in their life.

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