
Venus in 4th house

Every planet has its own characteristic qualities ,like Mercury likes to play, Saturn likes to learn and assimilate, Jupiter wants to expand and grow etc. Now out of twelve houses there are some houses suited so well for particular planets .As we know like planets each house also have its own characteristics, which matches with certain planets so well. In this context Venus loves to be in the house which is our topic right now. Venus in fourth house is deemed to be very strong ,and indeed Goddess of comforts love being in the place which itself signifies the pleasure and deep seat of Joy within the individual. When strong and well placed ,this placement can become one of the strongest part of the chart, whose impact is seen in the way one develops various taste, feel and behave .Fourth house is special being the Kendra ,i.e it is one of the important pillars of chart, being the angular house ,so significance of such a benefic planet placed here increases more. Let’s have a look how this Venus shapes up the personality when it gets the fourth house placement at the birth time of an individual.

Being in house of emotions and inner core ,Venus makes one extremely sensitive. Such people in their childhoods are generally silent ,and very observing. They seem to digest more rather than speaking up .As they grow up they begin to realize that they have something extra in them which makes them feel pleasure or pain in extra amounts, when compared to the ones around them. In initial stages it becomes difficult to comprehend it, but as one matures, it becomes clear that one is highly sensitive and emotional being whose senses are much sharper and are open to receiving different kinds of sensations. Apart from their own heightened feeling of joy or lack ,they also have the ability to feel other’s pain and it would be perfect to call them truly Compassionate beings ,especially when this Venus sits alone, without any kind of affliction. These people have a comfortable and a memorable childhood, which is specially influenced by their mothers. They grow up well learning from their observing powers. They are in general very peace loving and tender people who can be pleased with a little effort ,as they are very contented personalities. When this Venus is strong then great artists are born with refined taste for music and art. In fact all kinds of Venusian qualities can be found in them, and being in angular house, they gain prominence .In terms of material gains and wealth, this position of Venus is supreme ,it has the potential to give money in avalanches ,and such people will generally own lands and property, in strength this Venus can become the definitive guiding light even if other planets are not supportive.

In more subtle sense, this Venus can give them a habit of deep introspection and in some cases they won’t hesitate sacrificing self for helping others .Such Venus might indicate a Soul who needs to be shielded well in early stages and learn important lessons pertaining to pain of Self and others ,so that they can develop Compassion and realize true essence of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (the whole world is one single family).If Spiritual tendencies are present in individual, then there can’t  be much better place for Venus to be in. They can do extremely well on the path of Devotion, where one needs to surrender before Almighty, the typical Bhakti yoga as muted by Lord Krishna in Bhagwad Gita. These people will have a holistic approach towards life irrespective of their religious or Spiritual bent of mind. They are lovers of beauty and appreciate smallest of things in life. They literally live what was once said by Voltaire, Next to excellence is the appreciation of it.

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